
Sure is hard to get up for the 6AM WOD...right?
...but so worth it.
W.O.D. 4.1.09
for time:
300 Pull ups
400 Push ups
500 Sit ups
600 Squats
work in teams to complete the WOD.

April Fool's Day
Everyone in class gets to pick from the Hopper Deck.
From the cards picked collectively we will decide on which one to use for the WOD.

CrossFit Wilmington shares some cleans performed by members of their team headed for the Mid-West Qualifiers in mid-May: Video.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jason, Jen C., Sam-36:46
Joe, Paul, Aimee-37:04


Jen S. rocking out 50 perfect push presses.
Look at that form!!!

W.O.D. 3.31.09

'Filthy Fifty'
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings1 pood
Walking Lunge 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees

Zach Frankhouser, a trainer at CrossFit Delaware Valley, offers some words on "Footwear and Fitness": Read.

The Burpee Mile, Charlie "Too Much" Dunifer, SPC CrossFit - video [wmv] [mov]

If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat.
-Herschel Walker

Doreen 21:35
Paul 20:34
Jill 30:34
Hannah 26:10
Jon 24:50
Scott 20:00
Mike M 23:34
Jim C. 41:41
Jen C. 26:00
Danielle 30:53
Tim P. 22:04
Lisa 21:06
Jeff 23:00
Laura 20:50
Sam 23:40
Jen S. 32:06
Nicole 27:11
Cindy 33:03

It is with much excitement that we introduce our new website http://www.crossfitkop.com/

Check it out and post thoughts to comments. Thank you to everyone who took the time to proof, contribute ideas, content, testimonials, virtual tours and most importantly Bill Bonnell my web designer who turned my vision into a cohesive easy to understand web page.

Over the next few days you may see things changing on the blog because all of the information will be housed at http://www.crossfitkop.com/. Not to worry though, http://www.aimeesfitnessblog.blogspot.com/ will still be live, but it will be easily accessible from the Home Page of the new site as well.


Paul captured in mid-air.

W.O.D. 3.30.09
400-M Sprint
Rest 2 Min.
400-M Sprint
Rest 2 Min.
400-M Sprint
Rest 2 Min.
400-M Sprint
Rest 2 Min.
400-M Sprint
Rest 5 Min.
150 Double Unders or 600 single unders

“There are countless ways of attaining greatness, but any road to reaching one's maximum potential must be built on a bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a rejection of mediocrity.”
- Buck Rodgers

Mike M (40# weight vest) 1:45, 1:44, 1:48, 1:49, 1:52 (DU/SU4:44)
Scott (45# weight vest) 1:45, 1:40, 1:38, (1:15 no vest) (SU-DNF)
Miranda 1:48, 1:52, 1:57, 2:06, 2:03 (SU 4:30)
Jon 1:25, 1:35, 1:46, 1:42, 1:47 (SU 5:46)
Jim C. 2:04, 1:56, 1:58, 2:00, 1:59 (DU 11:14)
Paul 1:25, 1:20, 1;20, 1:23, 1:23 (DU 5:25)
Doreen 1:44, 1:45, 1:49, 1:55, 1:49 (DU 7:10)
Laura 1:38, 1:37, 1:34, 1:39, 1:39 (DU 7:45)
Lisa 1:52, 1;49, 1:50, 1:51, 1:49 (???)
Cindy 2:42, 2:40, 2;36, 2:42, 2:42 (SU 9:59)
Jeff 1:55, 1:52, 1:52, 1:55, 1:53 (SU 5:33)
Mike F. 2:02, 1:58, 1:59, 2:03, 1:57 (SU 5:20)
Nicole 2:26, 2:21, 2:17, 2:18, 2:09 (SU 7:52)
Hannah 2:24, 2:17, 2:15, 2:15, 2:06 (DU 12:00)
Tim M. 1:39, 1:43, 2:04, 2:20, 2:03 (DU10:30)
Jill 2:03, 2:00, 2:02, 2:01, 2:03 (SU 7:27)
Sam G. (40# weight vest) 1:50, 1:45, 1:47, 1:42, 1:36 (???)
Jason 2:03, 1:59, 1:51, 1:53, 1:48 (DU 8:09)


Nice Jerk Doug!

W.O.D. 3.29.09
Push Jerk

Push Jerk Benefits with Pat Sherwood ...[wmv][mov]

"Accumulating injuries are the price we pay for the thrill of not having sat around on our asses."
-Coach Rippetoe

Jim C.-165
Jen C.-90
Mike F.-190

We are trying to gauge the interest of getting a CrossFit KoP Dodgeball team together. Location would be the Kendrick Rec Center. Cost per person would be $45. Start date 4/28. Please post your thoughts to comments. We would need at least three females on the team. It would be us against the Globo Gym's...how appropriate! Post your thoughts to comments.


And to get you in the spirit, a few quotes from the Movie Dodgeball:

I'd love to, but I don't think they make a "Sorry your dodgeball coach just got crushed by two tons of irony" Hallmark card.
-Peter LaFleur

Your Gym is a skid-mark on the underpants of society.
-White Goodman

If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball!
-Patches O'Houlihan


Athlete Profile- Ray
Ray, a former Marine, came to us in early December with a need for CrossFit to get over his plateau. At that point, he had already lost 40 lbs by changing his diet and using a Bowflex and Water-rower erg. He was hesitant at first to try CrossFit but quickly learned the basics and started taking regular classes. Ray doesn't let anything get in the way of a good at home WOD. He consistently CrossFits either at home or on the road and has managed to work around two injuries in the last month. Ray's dedication is unparalleled and we are honored to have him as part of the CrossFit KoP family. He's featured above with his newest at home equipment. (Ray, I bet your wife is happy, no more box jumps on the cedar chest).
Keep up the strong work Ray!

W.O.D. 3.28.09
G.I. Jane

100 reps for time of:
Pull up Burpees
There are two requirements for each rep:
chest hits the deck and chin over the bar.

G.I. Jane (Greg Amundson)...[wmv][mov]

"What counts in sports is not the victory, but the magnificence of the struggle."
- Joe Paterno

Lisa 23:04
Scott 14:44
Mike M. 17:19
Sam 15:55
Jon 17:00
Doug 13:20
Jason 22:27
Tim M. 34:35
Curin 13:28 (50)
Jim C. 15:55 (50)
Jen C. 16:05
Hannah 100 Burpees-9:09
Hannah 100 Pull ups-25:36
Miranda 100 Burpees-9:54
Miranda 100 Pull ups-10:05
Joe A. 32:44


She's certianly got just a little flexibility, balance, coordination, agility and accuracy, would't you say?
W.O.D. 3.27.09
40-30-20-10 reps of:
Wall Balls (14#/20#)
Box Jumps (21 inch/25 inch)
KB Swings (35#/55#)
Double Unders or (sub tuck jumps)

Box Jump Variations...[ wmv]

“The greatest virtues are those which are most useful to other persons”
- Aristotle

Doug 23:59
Jason 29:16
Doreen 19:00
Jen S. 25:20
Jon 23:51
Mike M. 20:58
Scott 19:08
Lisa 24:43
Mike F 31:28
Paul 21:31
Jim C. 26:42 (40/30/20)
Joe A. 46:35
Jen C. 22:30
Hannah 27:34
Tim M. 33:07
Jill 25:26
Laura 22:44
Aimee 16:44
Ray 27:30 (at home WOD)

Our final days at the little box.  Enjoy the latest video from the Jason Lyons collection.

Next Thursday April 2nd from 5:00PM to 6:15PM there will be and open gym.  All are welcome to come make up any missed WOD's or work on specific skills such as muscle ups, kipping pull ups, Oly lifts, etc.

Nutrition Blog:
Today's new nutrition post-
Butter, Bacon And Eggs: Real Foods take on Fake Foods.


Early morning warriors Sam and Danielle take on 'Diane'.

W.O.D. 3.26.09
21-15-9 reps of:
225/155 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups

Diane (TX Annie & Pat)...[wmv][mov]
Diane (CrossFit Kids)...[wmv][mov]

"I always turn to the sports section first. The sports page records people's accomplishments; the front page has nothing but man's failures."
- Earl Warren

Sam Rxd 12:09
Danielle 135 12:12
True, it may sound strange. But eating the right kind of fats is definitely where it's at for healthy weight loss. Sadly, many people have been so brainwashed by the fat-free mentality of the past ten years that they still suffer from fat phobia. And although we are slowly emerging from the no-or low-fat craze, the notion that all fats are bad is definitely a hard one to shake...to read more check the latest post on the CrossFit KoP Nutrition Blog.


W.O.D. 3.25.09
Single Modality -Gymnastics
AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
20 Air Squats
15 Push-Ups
10 Ring Rows

Coach Notes:
Mark your calendar for April 11th...CrossFit KoP will be hosting a fundraiser to help fund Alzheimer's research and also support of our fellow CrossFitter Doreen who will be running the Boston Marathon this year! More details regarding the challenge will follow.

"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."
-Sven Goran Eriksson

Doug 13 rounds
Sam 14 rounds
Jen C. 11 rounds
Lisa 10 rounds
Tim P. 13 rounds
Paul 11 rounds


Power Cleans by Mike F.

W.O.D. 3.24.09
Power Cleans
50 Burpees for time!!!


Brandon, trainer at Crossfit NE Georgia pours his heart into "Aqua Murph", along with his buddy Patrick: [wmv] [mov]
**Doug, maybe for your Birthday next year????

"As the ostrich when pursued hideth his head, but forgetteth his body; so the fears of a coward expose him to danger."

Akhenaton (King of Egypt, 14th century BC)

Miranda 85-3:43
Sam 180-1:37 Row 500M
Nicole 85-4:07
Mike M 165-1:30 Row 500M
Jason 175-4:07
Jim C.165-4:55
Jon 115-3:34
Cindy 85-4:59
Mike F. 185-5:21
Hannah 110-3:48
Tim M. 200-6:27
Paul 150-2:33
Keith 135-2:32
Doreen 95-3:29
Jen S. 70-3:34
Laura 90-2:52


Strong Women!!!
Hannah and Lisa Over Head Squats as Rxd!

W.O.D. 3.23.09
5 rounds for time of:
400M run
15 OHS (95/65)

Passport Quote:
This is a new nation,
based on a mighty continent,
of boundless possibilities.
-Theodore Roosevelt

Scott-5o# plus 45#weight vest 16:48
Mike M. 75#/85#/95# 15:56
Jason Rxd 17:56
Michelle (3 rds) 20:06
Paul Rxd17:22
Danielle Rxd 17:45
(Danielle congrats on the 1/2 marathon)
Lisa Rxd 17:30
Jill 45# 21:50
Jim C. 75#50# 24:09
Laura P. 50# 15:40
Tim P. 80# 14:02
Hannah Rxd 20:10
Tim M. Rxd 28:00
Curin 30# 20:30
Sam 80# 15:01
Jeff 80# 19:27
Jen C. 50# 17:01
Doug Rxd 15:30


Leaving BVI today...
W.O.D. 3.22.08

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 1
SDHP (#75 men, #55 women)
Box Jumps
Push Ups

Coach Notes:
I'm back tomorrow gang...without a doubt I've missed you all and can't wait to get back. You can guarantee we are running on Monday!!!!!!!!

"Paradise is seldom recognized as such until it is considered from the outside."
-Hermann Hesse


*results above from 1.23.09
W.O.D. 3.21.09
1000 meter row
Thruster 45 lbs (50 reps)
Pull-ups (30 reps)

**COMPARE to 1.23.09

Jackie, Greg Amundson ...[wmv]
Jackie (CrossFit Kids)...[wmv][mov]

Asian Proverb:
He that will not reflect is a ruined man.


Wall Balls of Past...

W.O.D 3.20.09

3 rounds for time of:
25 Wall Ball Burpees (20#/14#)
50 Box Jumps (25”M/20”W)
Walking lunges (100 ft)

"The key to chang...is to let go of fear."
-Rosanne Cash


W.O.D. 3.19.09
“Tabata Something Else”
Tabata = 20 work followed by 10 sec rest for 8 sets. No rest between exercises
Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
Scoring – take lowest number from each exercise and add together
**COMPARE to 12.1.08

Tabata Something Else, Rob Miller...[wmv][mov]

The Who?
Dr. Izumi Tabata Phd is the researcher from Japan's National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya who proved what many fitness buff's already knew, which is short bursts of high intensity exercise resulted in more conditioning than moderate exercise for long periods of time [For example, sprints vs. jogging (p.s. I hate jogging)].
What many people do not know is that Izumi Tabata is not the originator of the Tabata protocal. The head coach of the Japanese speed skating team provided the rep scheme will Dr. Tabata researched it.
The Why?
In one of Tabata’s study, men performed tabata exercises (exercise bike) for 5 days a week for 6 weeks. At the end of the study, on an average there was a 14% increase in aerobic capacity. Additionally, the test subjects anaerobic capacity increased by 28%. By increasing the test subjects aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen) it would increase ones conditioning for both endurance related and strength related aspects of ones fitness; which is pretty sweet for crossfitters.
As a comparison, running at 70% capactiy (jogging) for 60 minutes a day for 5-6 days for 6 weeks only increased aerobic capacity by 9.5% with no change in anaerobic capacity. What does this mean? Performing 4 minutes of high intensity work is better than 60 minutes of running! Coach Glassman mentions that “these high-intensity work outs produce this dramatic aerobic benifit with out muscle waisting brought about by endurance training.” With Tabata, it is proven that you receive greater aerobic and anaerobic stimulus then endurance training while at the same time there is no atrophy.

"Work capacity is to fitness what location is to real estate."
-Greg Glassman


W.O.D. 3.18.09
Time to meet another lady!
Although, you may not refer to her as a lady by the end of the WOD.

21 – 15 - 9
Squat Cleans (135#/95#)
Ring Dips
*If you can’t do ring dips the sub is 3 regular dips for 1 ring dip. Or use a box for your toes.
*If you can't do Squat cleans sub Power cleans or Hang Power cleans.

Elizabeth (as Rx'd) (Annie and Greg)...[wmv][mov]
Coach notes:
This one is on the board, please record your score and put it in your folders too!

"Develop the capacity of a novice 800 meter track athlete, gymnast, and weightlifter and you'll be fitter than any world class runner, gymnast, or weightlifter."
-Greg Glassman


Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!
W.O.D. 3.17.09
5 mins Deadlifts (135#/95#)
5 mins vertical jumps (16")
3 mins Deadlifts
3 mins vertical jumps
1 min Deadlifts
1 min vertical jumps
Total reps for both exercises

St. Patrick's Day Toast:
Here’s to a long life and a merry one.
A quick death and an easy one
A pretty girl and an honest one
A cold beer – and another one!


W.O.D. 3.16.09
Death By Pullup:
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.When you finally get to a round where you fail, start back at 1 clock goes for 20 min total.

Pull-ups, pregnant...[wmv]

"No brain, no pain."
-Greg Glassman


W.O.D. 3.15.09
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
15 OHS (65 men/45 ladies)
15 KTE
15 Broad Jump Burpees

"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure."
- Confucius


Photo of Lisa, Scott and Jeff the last time we shoveled.
W.O.D. 3.14.09
Virtual shoveling

For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:

Paralette Push UpsWith an Olympic bar holding only one plate (men use 45 pound plate, women use 25 pound plate), touch the plate on one side of the barrier then the other for one "rep." Barrier is 24."

Virtual Shoveling...[wmv]

"Fitness-If it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body."


One of my Uncle's many prized hunts.

W.O.D. 3.13.09
Friday the 13th WOD

The Bear:
For 5 Rounds
7 sets of the sequence:
Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push press
Rest between rounds as needed

RULES: No resting on the ground (even to re-grip). Break up or combine the movements in any way so long as the following are met:
The clean starts at the ground and finishes standing at full hip extension.
The squats have to go below parallel and the presses finish locked out overhead.
Jerking is acceptable, as are squat cleans and deadlifting then hang cleaning.
The squats and pushpresses can be distinct or combined into thrusters, but you can't receive the clean in a squat and go directly into a thruster; stand first. No time component, rest anywhere anytime except on the ground.

Bear Complex WOD...[wmv][mov]

"Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork."
-English Proverb


He's back with some infamous W.O.D.'s... strategically planned so no one goofs off while the teacher is away and the substitute is in town!!!!

W.O.D. 3.12.09

For time:
100 squats
2 muscle-ups
80 squats
4 muscle-ups
60 squats
6 muscle-ups
40 squats
8 muscle-ups
20 squats
10 muscle-ups

Substitution for 1 Muscle up: 3 pull ups + 3 dips


Bring music to class, iPods or CD's!!!! I'm taking my iPod tunes to BVI.

"Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it. Plan more than you can do, then do it." Anonymous


W.O.D. 3.11.09
"Freddy's Revenge"

Complete five rounds for time of:
5 push press (M:185#/W:100#)
10 burpees

This is overhead in any safe manner. You may start from the bar racked behind the neck or on the front shoulder rack position. It may be necessary to start in heats or go off the floor due to lack of racks.
This workout was done by the trainers at one of the CrossFit Level I Certifications hosted by One World. It was suppose to favor Freddy, but he ended up finishing last with a time of 11:23. Jason Khalipa rocked it at 5:43. I had the honor of meeting Freddy at the Affiliate gathering in Texas last month and now frequent his blog and got this idea from CrossFit One World. Thanks.

Freddy's Revenge (CFJ Preview) ...[wmv][mov]

"Live well. It is the greatest revenge."
-The Talmud

Lisa 85-9:33
Jen C. 70-9:31
Tara 80-5:18
Joe Rxd-15:03
Sam 130-6:40
Jeff 105-8:53
Paul 120-5:50
Aimee 95-8:04
Ray 95-12:42
Joyce 45-7:37
Joseph 115-9:37
Sam H. 65-7:35
Nicole 65-6:49
Mike M. 125-6:24


Doug and Sam H. upside down and Jim C. right side up at the top of the rope!!!
Congrats everyone on some gymnastics fun!
W.O.D. 3.10.09
Gymnastics Fun...a skill day.

We will work on the following:

Muscle Up
Kipping Pull Up
Hand Stand Push Up
Ring Dip
Rope Climb

Jon Gilson of Again Faster gives us all a little perspective on our bitchin': Read "You'll Be Fine."

A Quote from the above article:
"Remember that the pain is a gift, and men have overcome far worse. When your training results in injury, remember that there are those whose injuries dwarf yours by degrees of magnitude, men who would kill for the right to feel a strained Achilles or a jammed thumb. They will not quit regardless of the odds, and you will not disgrace their example."

Results of
50 Burpees
50 Squats
for time:
Nicole 5:50
Scott 4:02
Paul 4:10
Mike M. 4:19
Jon 4:30
Keith 4:41
Doreen 4:55
Jim C. 7:04
Sam 3:18
Doug 5:14
Jen C. 4:05
Jill 6:40
Jen S. 6:40
Danielle 5:36
Miranda 6:21
Laura 4:09


W.O.D. 3.09.09
"the ever-changing" Team WOD

Each exercise must be completed by each athlete before all athletes can move to the following station. Score is based on rounds completed in 20 minutes.

20 Med Ball Cleans
30 Box Jumps
30 KTE
50 KB swings

"Transference" with Jeff Tucker by CrossFit Again Faster, CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]

"Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration!"
Thomas A. Edison

Total of Boys vs. Girls for both the 5:30/6:30 Classes
Boys 3
Girls 2


Happy 1st anniversary Jason!
Thank you for understanding my past, believing in my future and accepting me just the way I am. Your support and love has allowed my CrossFit dream to turn into a reality.

W.O.D. 3.8.09

3 Rounds for time of:
400M Run
30 Wall Balls
20 Burpees
10 Squat Cleans (65/95)

CrossFit Copenhagen shows that the WOD is the universal language: Video.

Coach notes:
Reminder "Spring ahead" daylight savings time is here.
Above photography by the talented David Zaveloff.

What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.
- Aristotle

Jen 19:54 Rxd
Tara 18:31 Rxd
Lisa 23:30 Rxd
Sam 20:38 Rxd
Danielle 23:34 Rxd
Paul 20:17 Rxd
Mike M. 20:28 Rxd
Doug 25:20 65#
Hannah 22:16 Rxd
Aimee 17:03 Rxd
Tim 35:14 Rxd w/ 500M Row


Awesome looking Deadlifts and some amazing PR's!
The garage doors were open and the sun was shining!
Spring is on the way and Daylight savings time starts tomorrow.
Turn your clocks ahead one hour!

W.O.D. 3.7.09



Shoulder Press

Ruben Rojas, a coach at Valley CrossFit, hiked to the top of Whistler-Blackcomb in British Columbia, Canada, and then threw down some burpees: Video.

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself."
-William Faulkner

Doreen 190/80
Jen S. 130/55
Scott 365/145
Jon 235/95
Cindy 190/70
Jeff 235/105
Lisa 190/85
Sam 285/145
Mike M. 275/135
Jim 300/135
Jason 350/125
Paul 300/125
Tim M. 370/150
Hannah 205/95
Jill 170/70


American Idol fan?
Is that a Kelly Clarkson shirt or are you just happy to be CrossFitting?
Just joking w/ ya...we love ya Mike!
Mike will be biking across the country this summer...can't wait to track his progress!

W.O.D. 3.6.09
As many rounds as possible in 20 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats


Chinese Proverb:
One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.
Ray 9
Joseph 10
Sam 16
Jon 15
Mike M 20
Mike F 11
Tim P 23
Laura 14
Jim C. 10
Doreen 16
Jeff H 12
Cindy H 8 (almost 9, like 2 squats, right Cind?)
Nicole 15
Jen S. 10
Lisa E. 17
Hannah 11
Miranda 14
Jen C. 15
Joe A. 10
Doug 18
Aimee 27
Paul 22
Jason 14
Tim M. 14


Outstanding Over Head Squatting!

W.O.D. 3.5.09
Over Head Squat (95#/65#)
Ring Dips

Skip Chase of Mt. Baker CrossFit reminds us of what we look like to the rest of world (or, at least Austin, TX): Read.

"Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one."
-Dr. Seuss

Lisa Rxd 10:20
Jim C 65# 9:50
Jason Rxd 13:45
Doug 65# 9:50
Paul Rxd 13:40
Sam 65# 6:47
Hannah 65# 10:48
Aimee Rxd 5:39


Jeff jumping, Jason squatting and Sam swinging away!

W.O.D. 3.04.09

for 30/45/1:00
complete the following exercises:

DB Push Press
Jump Rope
Mt. Climbers
Box Jump
Air Squats
KB Swings

Something fun to watch!!! Any one competing?


"Endurance, stamina, strength, and flexibility are developed through training, and these adaptations manifest as measurable changes in the body. Coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy are developed through practice and these adaptations come about through changes in the nervous system. Power and speed have equal requirements for training and practice."

-Greg Glassman
The winner of the Kick the Sugar contest is Laura Pappas! Congratulations on a full month, most consecutive days of no sugar and truly understanding the zone principles. Laura's prize is a free months membership at CrossFit King of Prussia.

Make sure to congratulate Laura, but also let's not forget the hard work and dedication that everyone put into understanding why its so important to take sugar out of their diets. I hope you all saw your performance increase and really started feeling better in general once you kicked the sugar.

The runners up are
Jon, Miranda and Nicole who will all receive one free 1/2 hour private training session with Aimee Lyons.

Post to comments:
Anything you took away from the challenge and any ideas for next time.


Lisa-That was some kick ass "floor wiper" form! Oh, and thanks for the WOD!
W.O.D. 3.3.09
300-esque WOD
25 pull-ups
50 deadlifts at (135/95)
50 push-ups
50 box jumps (25/21)
50 floor wipers (135/95)
50 hang power clean and press (95/65)
25 pull-ups


"Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated."

-George Bernard Shaw


Mike F. 31:58

Mike M. 27:15

Scott Rxd 22:17

Lisa 30:09

Doreen 27:02

Jeff H. 24:43

Laura 29:24

Miranda 25:55

Hanna Rxd 33:37

Tim M. Rxd 34:25

Tim P 14:58

Jen S. 30:05

Sam 20:52

Joe Rxd+

Jill 34:37

Doug 30:05 (welcome back)

Jason Rxd 37:37

Aimee Rxd 22:54

There will be ONLY a 5:30PM class tonight, the 6:30PM class will be cancelled due to the winter weather. If you plan on attending the 5:30 class, please park on the street or at the top of the hill since the hill will be a little slick.

What else can you do with Pull-Up assistance bands?
These two lucky ladies turned them into a bouncy swing...it's gotta be more fun than Pull-Ups!

W.O.D. 3.2.09
Hang Power Snatch

Thank you so much to everyone who came out yesterday and made the CrossFit KoP Grand Opening party a huge success. Fun was had by all ages. It's you, the community that makes CrossFit KoP so much fun!

On the horizon for April/May are some new classes; keep your eyes out for a kids class, beginner class and the addition of a fire breather class.

Sugar Journals...make sure to turn your food logs in this week so we can review them and crown the winners! So far I've only gotten 3 journals...


"A person's a person, no matter how small."
-Dr. Seuss

Tim M. 140
Paul 90
Doug PVC
Mike F. 105
Mike M. 90
Jill 50
Doreen 75
Miranda 50
Hannah 80
Jon 65