
W.O.D. 3.18.09
Time to meet another lady!
Although, you may not refer to her as a lady by the end of the WOD.

21 – 15 - 9
Squat Cleans (135#/95#)
Ring Dips
*If you can’t do ring dips the sub is 3 regular dips for 1 ring dip. Or use a box for your toes.
*If you can't do Squat cleans sub Power cleans or Hang Power cleans.

Elizabeth (as Rx'd) (Annie and Greg)...[wmv][mov]
Coach notes:
This one is on the board, please record your score and put it in your folders too!

"Develop the capacity of a novice 800 meter track athlete, gymnast, and weightlifter and you'll be fitter than any world class runner, gymnast, or weightlifter."
-Greg Glassman


  1. Oops

    Left my long tupperware water bottle with a green top at the gym near the radio. If anyone sees it please safeguard it. Thanks

  2. Results for Elizabeth:
    Joe 135# 25:22
    Paul 115# 16:16
    Sam #80 14:08 (clean & Jerks)

    Joe, I'll look for your water bottle in the Thurs morning class.

  3. Joe, I'll defile your water bottle in the Thurs morning class.

    Fellas, nice times on the wod today. That's a tough one, especially at 6 am.

    Hannah, I understand that last night you broke 100 in the first 5 mins of d-lifts. That is seriously b-d-ss!

  4. I have the results from yesterdays Dead Lift WOD. I can't seem to post it in the comments section without it turning into a huge mess. I have a word doc with the results ina table. If anyone wants it I can e-mail it or bring a hard copy to the gym.
    Let me know

  5. Ev-Can we do this workout again? I am mad that I missed it. I can never make the am classes due to my work schedule.

    Yeah, Han way to bust out those deadlifts girl!!!!!! YOU ROCK :-)

  6. yeah Hannah , that was monster, nice workout this morning guys.

  7. Doug,

    If my water bottle is defiled I will flip your truck over.


  8. joe, i would pay money to see you flip a truck over.

    i was feeling the effects of those deadlifts last night in my hammies and lower back. let's just say, no deadlifts for a WHILE!
