
Sure is hard to get up for the 6AM WOD...right?
...but so worth it.
W.O.D. 4.1.09
for time:
300 Pull ups
400 Push ups
500 Sit ups
600 Squats
work in teams to complete the WOD.

April Fool's Day
Everyone in class gets to pick from the Hopper Deck.
From the cards picked collectively we will decide on which one to use for the WOD.

CrossFit Wilmington shares some cleans performed by members of their team headed for the Mid-West Qualifiers in mid-May: Video.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jason, Jen C., Sam-36:46
Joe, Paul, Aimee-37:04


  1. The 12:00 noon class did 3RM Deadlifts and set some nice PR's:
    Ray 225 x3
    Joseph 355 x3
    good work guys!

  2. Aimee,

    Thanks for the encouragement to help me get over a personal mental hurdle. As you know, the last time I tried 225, I tore my hamstring on the very first lift. That was exactly 10 weeks ago today. I know it is not much weight, but for me, it was like I just lifted 1000 lbs. I was happy as a lark all day. It is onward and upward to new PR's from here.
