
W.O.D. 3.16.09
Death By Pullup:
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.When you finally get to a round where you fail, start back at 1 clock goes for 20 min total.

Pull-ups, pregnant...[wmv]

"No brain, no pain."
-Greg Glassman


  1. Yes! My all-time second favorite wod, right behind "Cindy"! Pull-ups to exhaustion. Classic. Can't freakin' wait!

    Hannah, I saw you sub'd the other day. You alright? The Bear didn't get you, did he?

  2. Hannah,
    if your reading this. Thanks for passin on the old ankle thing to me. The second sunday group, first demo of the broad jump burpee, limping like an old man on Sunday night!!
    You get extra pull ups tonight!!!
    And Tim too... He started it!

  3. Doug,
    Whats your PR for this one??

  4. Evan, a simple question with a complicated answer: I always did a progression from strict pull-ups until I couldn't make the required reps for that minute, then kipping pull-ups until I couldn't make the reps for that minute, then jumping pull-ups until I couldn't make the reps for that minute... then collapse to the ground.

    I'll have to look it up, but I think the switch to jumpers would come around 13-14 and it was never more than 2 more rounds of jumping before i was spent.

    This is a good wod for gimpy ankles.

  5. My gimpy ankle came about satuday afternoon...tim sprained his friday playing bball. ironic!? feeling much better today though, defintely game for some pull-ups. But Doug, if you are doing jumpers by the end, I am scared to think of what the rest of us will look like?! :/

    Ev, first your broken toe and now the sore ankle. i need to stay away from you from now on!

  6. Doug, I searched around a little bit, and jumpers are definitly the scale only if you want to keep it going towards the end of the workout. We'll see how it feels after the first 10 minutes. This is the same WOD that builds up momentum fast and just hammers you before you know what happened. -Nice

  7. cant get enough of those pull ups!

  8. Doug,
    I've made it to 15 min +8 in minute 16. All kipping.

  9. O.K.! I'll take that challenge. My goal for tonight is 15+9.

    I'm gonna regret saying that. This could be humiliating.

    Anybody else want to go on the record with the goal of beating Evan's p.r.? who has the big max pull-up numbers?

  10. Sure Doug- what fun would it all be without a little competition. I've max'd out at 31 or 32 before so I'm up to the challenge, but remember, each minute we're just repeating the amount that we already just did-a minute ago. This makes a great challenge, plus we dont have a mustache...

  11. Dibs on the black band!!

  12. Jason is cursing me rignt now for finding some wi-fi. Virgin Gorda has been amazing, went to Tortola today and off to Anagada tomorrow. Everything has been great, miss the box and miss you all. Got three WOD's in so far. Today is a day off.

    Hannah and Tim-sorry to hear about the bum ankles...what happened?
    All-Strong work on the WOD's I checked the progress...

    Good luck tonight on death by pull-ups.

    Mike-we can do the Bear when I come back again...or AMARAP in 20 your choice :-)

    oh and PS. who is annonymous from the 12th??? don't be a coward, reveal yourself.

  13. Doug- every time I pour peroxide on my blisters and want to cry I end up cracking up thinking of you so seriously saying "Are you going to eat that"...completely disgusting, but thanks.

  14. “Death By Pull ups” results:
    Jon Rnd 1 11+8 for 74 plus 36 to finish for total of 110

    Mike M. Rnd 1 14+11 for 116 plus 15 to finish for total of 131

    Danielle Rnd 1 9 for 74 (DNF – bad tear)

    Jim (green) Rnd 1 11+5 for 71 plus 36 to finish for total of 107

    Scott Rnd 1 15+11 for 131 plus 10 to finish for total of 141

    Cindy (black)Rnd 1 11+9 for 75 plus 36 to finish for total of 111

    Jill (blue) Rnd 1 11+6 for 72 plus 36 to finish for total of 108

    Doug Rnd 1 18+13 for 184 plus 1 to finish for total of 185

    Hannah Rnd 1 7+6 for 34 Rnd 2 5+4 for 25 plus 21 to finish for total of 80

    Tim M. Rnd 1 10+8 for 63 plus 45 to finish for total of 108

    Tim P. Rnd 1 18+4 for 175 plus 1 to finish for total of 176

    Nicole (green) Rnd 1 17+12 for 165 plus 3 to finish for total of 168

    Paul Rnd 1 14+12 for 117 plus 15 to finish for total of 132

    Miranda (blue) Rnd 1 13+12 for 74 plus 21 to finish for total of 124

    Sam Rnd 1 12+8 for 86 plus 28 to finish for total of 114
