
Strong Women!!!
Hannah and Lisa Over Head Squats as Rxd!

W.O.D. 3.23.09
5 rounds for time of:
400M run
15 OHS (95/65)

Passport Quote:
This is a new nation,
based on a mighty continent,
of boundless possibilities.
-Theodore Roosevelt

Scott-5o# plus 45#weight vest 16:48
Mike M. 75#/85#/95# 15:56
Jason Rxd 17:56
Michelle (3 rds) 20:06
Paul Rxd17:22
Danielle Rxd 17:45
(Danielle congrats on the 1/2 marathon)
Lisa Rxd 17:30
Jill 45# 21:50
Jim C. 75#50# 24:09
Laura P. 50# 15:40
Tim P. 80# 14:02
Hannah Rxd 20:10
Tim M. Rxd 28:00
Curin 30# 20:30
Sam 80# 15:01
Jeff 80# 19:27
Jen C. 50# 17:01
Doug Rxd 15:30


  1. i am shooting for a nice 40 minutes on this one. lol. 10 days is a LONG time away.


  2. Running up that hill after the OHS's should be fun.

    Mike, I might be up for a bike ride. Just got mine out yesterday for a spin. My choice of bikes (mtn or single-speed road) aren't great for something as long and flat as the SRT. Maybe we can find something hill-ier or I'll suck it up and just overpressure my knobbies.

    Anyone kayak? Just got that out for the first time this weekend, too.

  3. Doug,
    Always wanted to try Kayak.

  4. I'm down for some road biking on the trail or for kayaks on the river...I've got access to some Kayaks, my uncle is always looking for some partners too. So we should make it an outing soon.

  5. Sweet- mee too. Laura and I have MTBikes we use very much and kayaks quite often all summer long. We've been dropping in right under the conshohocken bridge if we stay local. MTB trails are extreme over in Wissahickon Park behind Roxborough, and when I road bike train for Tri's it's best on the smooth Schuylkill River or VF Park. Exciting to have new partners :)

    Here's your last NANCY results, let's shoot for more PR's tonight:

    Jeff 18:52 (45)
    Danielle 17:07 (40)
    Doreen 17:00 (45/50)
    Paul 17:05 (55/60)
    Hannah 20:21 (45)
    Ed 17:24 (65)
    Tim 21:00 (65)
    Lisa 17:24 (40)
    Jason 20:15 (65)

    Nicole-23:16 (20lbs)
    Aimee-18:50 Rx'd
    Geoff-15:28 (40lbs)
    Ed-18:15 (40lbs)
    Doreen-17:45 (30lbs)
    Jeff-20:10 (30lbs)
    Jason-23:55 (50/40/30lbs)
    Laura-18:50 (30lbs)
    Tim-17:38 (40lbs)
    Paul-18:23 (45lbs)
    Kevin-18:50 (50/30lbs)

  6. pace car is back! i may be pacing you tonight after ten days of vacation.

    thanks Ev for a great couple days! its been fun!

    welcome back Aim!!!! I know you will be ready to kick some ass tonight!

    ps. who is anoyomous?! get some balls and tell us!

  7. Thanks for all your help, Evan! I am not much of a biker rider, but let me know if anyone want to play sports.

  8. My time will actually be worse than 7-22-08, considering i can't run on flat land let alone up a hill!

  9. Oh Nicole. You will do just fine...just no running in your fancy new Oly shoes!

  10. HAHA! I'm glad you have faith in me. :)

  11. This is one of my favorite workouts! Although, I have a feeling that monster hill is going to be brutal for the runs! I'm going to try my best to get out of my office early enough to make it.

  12. Welcome back Aimee and Jason! Unfortunately I can't make it to class today, but I will see you tomorrow.

  13. Thanks to Mike, Scott and Paul for pushing me to finish, I was ready to mail it in after 3 rounds...really appreciate everyone's support!

  14. and...I would like to thank everyone for being so welcoming and supportive of our two new first timers, Michelle and Curin. Both ladies put forth an amazing effort for a very difficult first WOD tonight!!! Congrats and welcome!
