
She's certianly got just a little flexibility, balance, coordination, agility and accuracy, would't you say?
W.O.D. 3.27.09
40-30-20-10 reps of:
Wall Balls (14#/20#)
Box Jumps (21 inch/25 inch)
KB Swings (35#/55#)
Double Unders or (sub tuck jumps)

Box Jump Variations...[ wmv]

“The greatest virtues are those which are most useful to other persons”
- Aristotle

Doug 23:59
Jason 29:16
Doreen 19:00
Jen S. 25:20
Jon 23:51
Mike M. 20:58
Scott 19:08
Lisa 24:43
Mike F 31:28
Paul 21:31
Jim C. 26:42 (40/30/20)
Joe A. 46:35
Jen C. 22:30
Hannah 27:34
Tim M. 33:07
Jill 25:26
Laura 22:44
Aimee 16:44
Ray 27:30 (at home WOD)


  1. This looks awesome - Let's Go Nova! I'm going to try to make the 6:30 Aim, but am coming from a work meeting so I might be a little late. Maybe I can start late if I dont' make it exactly at 6:30?

  2. I wanna see Jason & Tim M do that gymnast ball routine, but not in the tutu......please.

  3. saw this video this morning, this guy has some good pointers on the row...http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/olympics/rowing/7440592.stm

  4. This looks like a chipper of a workout. I need it after the HUGE rice crispy treat i ate last night. mmmm.

  5. This looks awful!

  6. Update on the Free Yoga Classes in West Chester this weekend, here is a link that actually has details.

    I'm planning on going to the 10:30 class - loftily going to 9am xfit then heading to West Chester. If anyone wants to join, let me know!

  7. Hannah, Hannah, Hannah.....
    That treat is probably long gone and turning into something bad in your system right now that will take a bit more than this WOD to get rid of!!

  8. so i guess it is bad if we had 4 of them? i read somewhere that 4 wrongs make a right!

  9. I am sure the Alcohol washed those crispy treats right out of you guys.

  10. Tim M...if I remember correctly Hannah had one in her suitcase for you or did she forget to give it to you??

  11. Yes I did get mine and I took a bite of it this morning but I forgot to bring it to work. I will have a nice treat to treat to eat before the WOD tonight. Maybe I will eat it on my run over there. That should be fitting.

  12. I get home before tim. there might be a few bites missing :-D

    ev, next time I'll be sure to save you one!!

  13. What would Gunny Hartman have to say about this?


    Now, I must go outside and do today's WOD, shoulder or no shoulder, to cleanse myself of this sacrilegious talk of rice crispies treats.

  14. and...we haven't even mentioned who's idea the krispy treats were...Anonymous???

  15. Done. Sub'd 3X jump rope for double unders. Used 21" box and 35 lb KB. RX Med Ball.

    Time: 27:30

    Shoulder survived none the worse for wear. First time doing 21" box jumps since hamstring tear. I am sure you folks will smoke my time, but all in all, I'm a happy man. Posted pic of me and my home gear on my Facebook page.

  16. too funny! does anyone have a good rice krispie treat recipe? do i have to bake them? for how long?

  17. Ray-I know, right??? Absolute madness, but that's what happens when you give sugar starved CrossFitters some high fructose corn syrup rice treats blended with marshmellows and butter!!!
    Strong work on the at home WOD too, loved the pic on FB!
