
It is with much excitement that we introduce our new website http://www.crossfitkop.com/

Check it out and post thoughts to comments. Thank you to everyone who took the time to proof, contribute ideas, content, testimonials, virtual tours and most importantly Bill Bonnell my web designer who turned my vision into a cohesive easy to understand web page.

Over the next few days you may see things changing on the blog because all of the information will be housed at http://www.crossfitkop.com/. Not to worry though, http://www.aimeesfitnessblog.blogspot.com/ will still be live, but it will be easily accessible from the Home Page of the new site as well.


  1. The new site looks great!

  2. the new website is awesome

  3. Hey Aimee, nice site. Very pro. Which is exactly what I've come to expect from you.

    Do you have the open house info on there somewhere? or maybe some email-able announcement? I won't be around that weekend but wanted to try and convince some friends to stop by, maybe even put one up at the rockgym if I make it there next week.

  4. Thanks everyone...the new site has been in process for sometime now, so it's very exciting to see it come to life!
    Doug-I will be emailing the Open House/fundraiser info shortly...

  5. The new site looks incredible Aimee, very impressive.

  6. Aimee your a marketing genius. Its exciting to see all of these changes.

    Hopefully we'll be seeing some new faces. Then I won't be the tail end of all the workouts anymore.

  7. Great job on the new site. It looks great!!!
