
The winner of the Kick the Sugar contest is Laura Pappas! Congratulations on a full month, most consecutive days of no sugar and truly understanding the zone principles. Laura's prize is a free months membership at CrossFit King of Prussia.

Make sure to congratulate Laura, but also let's not forget the hard work and dedication that everyone put into understanding why its so important to take sugar out of their diets. I hope you all saw your performance increase and really started feeling better in general once you kicked the sugar.

The runners up are
Jon, Miranda and Nicole who will all receive one free 1/2 hour private training session with Aimee Lyons.

Post to comments:
Anything you took away from the challenge and any ideas for next time.


  1. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY Congrats Laura!!!

  2. Congrats Laura!!

  3. Laura, great job - it is amazing to do w/o sugar for so long. Wish I could.
