
Lisa-That was some kick ass "floor wiper" form! Oh, and thanks for the WOD!
W.O.D. 3.3.09
300-esque WOD
25 pull-ups
50 deadlifts at (135/95)
50 push-ups
50 box jumps (25/21)
50 floor wipers (135/95)
50 hang power clean and press (95/65)
25 pull-ups


"Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated."

-George Bernard Shaw


Mike F. 31:58

Mike M. 27:15

Scott Rxd 22:17

Lisa 30:09

Doreen 27:02

Jeff H. 24:43

Laura 29:24

Miranda 25:55

Hanna Rxd 33:37

Tim M. Rxd 34:25

Tim P 14:58

Jen S. 30:05

Sam 20:52

Joe Rxd+

Jill 34:37

Doug 30:05 (welcome back)

Jason Rxd 37:37

Aimee Rxd 22:54


  1. All I have to say about tomorrow's WOD is HOLY SHIT I AM GOING TO DIE. But I am secretly excited at the same time.

  2. this is dirty, in a fun way of course!

  3. Just watched 300 last night. I'm pumped for this wod.

  4. the windshield wipers and clean/press are by far the hardest part. this was a total chipper for me...37:37.

    hell, every workout seems to take me +30 anymore, my gym nickname should be chipper.

  5. "Chipper Lyons" is a pretty cool name Jason. I like it. See you tonight Chipper.

  6. What are the floor wipers????

    Man this is going to be a rough one, I knew it last night.

  7. Miranda-Floor wipers are a fairly simple exercise,they really work the upper body and core. Lie on the floor, under a barbell (DB could be used as a sub or even PVC). Press the barbell and touch your feet to the right side of the bar and then to the left side. That’s a rep. Keeping the bar overhead repeat 50 times for this WOD.

  8. Are we capping this one at 40 minutes too?

  9. Yes. We will cap this one at 40:00. You should all finish in under 40.

  10. I'm a bit scared of this one.....

  11. I can't believe I basically did grace towards the end of this WOD. I'll be sure to pay attention to the board from now on.

    I guess long gone are the days of taking 50min or more to finish the workout.

  12. Joe-
    Strong work tonight, as always; I call that Rxd+ You make 135 look like 95...we couldn't even tell the difference!
