
American Idol fan?
Is that a Kelly Clarkson shirt or are you just happy to be CrossFitting?
Just joking w/ ya...we love ya Mike!
Mike will be biking across the country this summer...can't wait to track his progress!

W.O.D. 3.6.09
As many rounds as possible in 20 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats


Chinese Proverb:
One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.
Ray 9
Joseph 10
Sam 16
Jon 15
Mike M 20
Mike F 11
Tim P 23
Laura 14
Jim C. 10
Doreen 16
Jeff H 12
Cindy H 8 (almost 9, like 2 squats, right Cind?)
Nicole 15
Jen S. 10
Lisa E. 17
Hannah 11
Miranda 14
Jen C. 15
Joe A. 10
Doug 18
Aimee 27
Paul 22
Jason 14
Tim M. 14


  1. I finally get to meet me and see what Cindy is all about! Can't wait to get back into the swing tomorrow ... see you all then!

  2. this is the girl that the guy is talking about in crossfit kids interview...very inspirational video


  3. My all-time favorite WOD! Last time I did this I finally broke a PR that had stood for almost two years but it left me a broken, wasted lump of flesh that could neither eat nor sleep for the next day or so. What sucks is I can't go balls-out 100% yet, but after a month off I bet it nearly kills me anyway.

    Mike, I can't see that video right now but if it's the one I'm thinking of (with Kallista doing ~30 bodyweight C&J at the '08 finals, crumpling under the bar just before locking out somewhere in the middle reps and then still finishing the set), you're right. WOW! That's a bad-ass effort. I wish i could bring that kind of mental strength to every WOD.. I'd be a different guy if I could.

  4. kallista is like 15 and is stronger than me. makes me feel like a man. lol. i hate this workout but i am anxious to hopefully erase my pathetic 11 on the board and hopeful put a 15 down.

  5. Kallista is an amazing athlete, can you imagine if we would have started Crossfitting when we were kids!

    Doug- we are checking watches at the door today prior to the WOD.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I watched the video, the girl at the end that hug Kalista...isn't that the owner of Apex? The movie ends with them hugging - anyone agree that was at the Affiliate Challenge?

    I'm hoping to break my Cindy record today now that I can semi-kip...

  8. I watched the video, the girl at the end that hug Kalista...isn't that the owner of Apex? The movie ends with them hugging - anyone agree that was at the Affiliate Challenge?

    I'm hoping to break my Cindy record today now that I can semi-kip...

  9. Yes! I love Cindy. I am so psyched for tonight's workout.

    I think I got 16 last time. I am totally pushing for 18 or 20.

  10. You can take my watch, Aimee, but I have many other ways of delaying the pain (but don't let me!): tying my shoes, wiping my face, adjusting my shorts, getting a drink, chalking up, and on and on...

    Yeah, Laura, that's probably Tanya from Apex at the end, but it was at the 08 CF Games, the national one in CA. Tanya came in second, I think?

  11. We now have two chalk buckets so no one will have to lose valuable seconds getting to the chalk. :-)

  12. Mike is a stud!!!

    ps. i love kelly clarkson too! yay!
