
Awesome looking Deadlifts and some amazing PR's!
The garage doors were open and the sun was shining!
Spring is on the way and Daylight savings time starts tomorrow.
Turn your clocks ahead one hour!

W.O.D. 3.7.09



Shoulder Press

Ruben Rojas, a coach at Valley CrossFit, hiked to the top of Whistler-Blackcomb in British Columbia, Canada, and then threw down some burpees: Video.

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself."
-William Faulkner

Doreen 190/80
Jen S. 130/55
Scott 365/145
Jon 235/95
Cindy 190/70
Jeff 235/105
Lisa 190/85
Sam 285/145
Mike M. 275/135
Jim 300/135
Jason 350/125
Paul 300/125
Tim M. 370/150
Hannah 205/95
Jill 170/70


  1. Aimee, I think you set two PR's yesterday:

    Cindy: 27

    Number of clients in the house: 23

    That is so cool!

    You better be going to the CrossFit Games qualifier this year. I looked at the Games page and the stats of some of the top competitors last year. I think you just blew away all of their Cindy PR's, men and women included. That friggin rocks down the house little sister!!!!! Lead the way girl!!

    Hey, I met with a group of friends that I have not seen in over a year. The looks on their faces was priceless when they saw me. They said I looked 10 years younger. They were poking on me and asking me what in the hell I did to get in this kind of shape. The beauty of it is that I have just scratched the surface of CrossFit. I have so much more room for improvement, and I can only imagine what the next year will bring. Thank YOU so much. You just can't put a price on this kind of stuff.

  2. any chance we get to row tomorrow? i just got an urge to row.

    impressive work everyone this morning, particularly scott's 365# DL

  3. Ray-Thank you for the kind words and support of CrossFit KoP. You are very welcome...you truly have only scratched the surface and 2009 will bring you more and more PR's...on so many levels! We are honored to have you as part of our group!

  4. Results looks like a great day you guys had on pulling the dead lifts. Way to put in the WORK. -TP
