
Wall Balls of Past...

W.O.D 3.20.09

3 rounds for time of:
25 Wall Ball Burpees (20#/14#)
50 Box Jumps (25”M/20”W)
Walking lunges (100 ft)

"The key to chang...is to let go of fear."
-Rosanne Cash


  1. Bring on UCLA sat night!

  2. Missed this the first time I looked at it: wall-ball burpees, huh? Should be interesting.

  3. aimee would look so sexy in a nova cheerleading outfit! shes the reason i love class so much and keep coming back!

  4. anonymous...you are so bad! Did i read wall ball burpees? what the heck is that?

  5. Dear cult-

    I won't be attending class today or tomorrow as I will be getting super drunk in Atlantic City. See you all on Sunday!! :)


  6. Anonymous,

    ALL of our CrossFit KOP vixens would look way hot in a Nova cheerleading outfit, but that's not important now.

    Hey everybody,

    If I see a WOD posted this weekend that I can do or modify, then I may join you this weekend. I trashed up my right shoulder last week, and I have been on injured reserve....again. Hey, at least the hamstring is good to go. I worked through that, so I will work through this. Looks like Ev has been kicking your butts. I would love to know what a wall-ball burpee is.

  7. Results:
    Tim M 31:20
    Paul 19:34
    Jeff 20:08
    Jill 24:21
    Lisa 23:03
    Hannah 26:59
    Scott 16:33
    Mike M. 19:38
    Maura 28:27
    Jon 19:30
    Jen S. 20:22
    Doug 22:50
    Jen C. 21:58
    Joe 28:53

  8. Ray,
    A wall ball burpee starts as a regular wall ball (toss ball up to 10 ft target) then catch the ball bend over with the ball like your going to start a burpee keeping hands on the ball (do the burpee with push up on the ball!) then when you bring your legs back up to the squat position from the burpee, drive up with the ball and hit the ten foot target again...rinse and repeat.
    Better demonstrated than described in words!!!

  9. Thanks Ev. I think I can modify wall-ball burpees to do a thruster without throwing the ball. The shoulder just might tolerate that. Sounds like you get a burpee, a stability push up, med ball clean, and thruster for the price of one exercise. Very slick.
