
What else can you do with Pull-Up assistance bands?
These two lucky ladies turned them into a bouncy swing...it's gotta be more fun than Pull-Ups!

W.O.D. 3.2.09
Hang Power Snatch

Thank you so much to everyone who came out yesterday and made the CrossFit KoP Grand Opening party a huge success. Fun was had by all ages. It's you, the community that makes CrossFit KoP so much fun!

On the horizon for April/May are some new classes; keep your eyes out for a kids class, beginner class and the addition of a fire breather class.

Sugar Journals...make sure to turn your food logs in this week so we can review them and crown the winners! So far I've only gotten 3 journals...


"A person's a person, no matter how small."
-Dr. Seuss

Tim M. 140
Paul 90
Doug PVC
Mike F. 105
Mike M. 90
Jill 50
Doreen 75
Miranda 50
Hannah 80
Jon 65


  1. Well, you won't be getting a food journal from me b/c I stopped writing it down, so take me out of the running. Unofficially, I was good for ~3 out of 4 weeks, with the other week being the "aw F-it I can barely walk I'm gonna drink as much beer and eat as many candy bars as I damn well feel like it" week.

    I was surprised to find that I lost about 7 pounds with only one or two workouts the whole month and eating zone at 15 blocks and 2x fat. I'll be very curious to see how I feel as I ramp up the workout loads/intensities over the next two weeks.

    All in all, worth the effort. I think I've probably made a permanent, positive change in my diet.

    I'm curious to hear how the no-sugar thing worked for people who were actually working hard. Anyone?

  2. We had an awesome time and are so glad to be a part of such a wonderful group of people. I also learned some new "games" that I'm sure will make me a big hit at our next national sales meeting!

    Thanks to Aimee and Jason for hosting and to everyone who provided for such a great time for a couple of weary travelers!

  3. So for me on the no sugar thing, I did no sugar and tried to zone - although I never really did the counting blocks part very well. It was an education just to make sure I had balanced protien, fat, and carbs everytime I ate.

    I missed some foods with the no sugar month, but agree that I will definately be changing my diet going forward based on some what I learned. I gained a few pounds at first and then wound up net -2, and feel great. Thanks for coming up with this crazy idea and putting it in the form of a challenge, because I don't think I would have done it otherwise. Doug, I feel like my recovery time is still about the same but felt just as strong or stronger during my workouts - both xfit and running.
