
Athlete and NEW Coach Spotlight - Kalyn

Welcome to our community - As of August 28th, Coach Kalyn will be picking up 6:30 PM on Monday and Wednesday as well as 5:30 on Thursday! We are so excited to welcome her to our team of established coaches and professionals!

How long have you been CrossFitting? 
Six years this fall! 

What’s your biggest strength inside and out of the gym? 
I’d have to say my work ethic, no matter the task, I’m all in. 
What’s your favorite CrossFit Benchmark workout and why? 
Nancy, I love running and overhead squats 

What goals are you currently working on in the gym? 
So many but the top three right now are stringing muscle ups, becoming a better coach, and getting stronger lats. 

How long have you been coaching and what got you into it? 
I’ve been coaching CrossFit for 3 years. 
I wanted to share my passion for CrossFit with others and help them in their own health/fitness journey. 
What do you like to do in your free time Watch F1, hang out with my dog, and see local Philly bands.

As we welcome Kalyn here are a few more nuggets about her journey and what she is brining to CFKOP... 

Sports, fitness, and coaching have always been large parts of my life. I’ve competed competitively and instructed classes in Tang Soo Do, a Korean martial art, since I was eight years old and hold the rank of third degree black belt. In grade school I discovered my love for running and joined the track and cross country team running mid and long distances. While earning my bachelors degree at Kutztown University, I started long distance running and weight training. In 2011 I completed my first marathon and second in 2014. After graduating college I continued distance running but missed working out with others, so in 2017 I decided to try CrossFit. Like many, I fell in love with the sport, environment, and friends I made along the way and CrossFit truly changed my adult life allowing me to still be an athlete. In 2021 I made the individual quarterfinals and decided I wanted to share my passion for CrossFit with others. That same month I became a CrossFit Level-1 Coach. My goal as a coach is to support you in your own health and fitness journey, while having fun along the way!

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