

5 sets for load and reps: 
Every 4:00, complete: 
3 push presses – Immediately following your final push press, complete a single max set of handstand push-ups.

Coaches Notes:
Complete a new set once every 4:00. Start around 70% of athletes 1-rep-max push press and build to a heavy set. Goal should be to get 10+ handstand push-ups for the first 3 rounds. Begin the handstand push-ups within :30 of finishing each set of push presses. This focus is on intentional movement redundancy to build strength. Record highest Push Press and total HSPU across all 5 rounds.

 "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence." -Vince Lombardi


Aimee Lyons said...

Larissa 75/ 34 1 ab
Julia 105/ 53 rx

Aimee 105/ 84 rx
Cate 125/ 114 rx

Ted 85 form/ kick ups
Phillip 135 43 2 ab
Jill H 100 35 2 ab
Mary H 105 28 1 ab
Jackie 135 35 3ab
Ana C 115 120 rx
Dana H 135 54 rx
Gina 85 kick up/ form
Monica 70 64 box 20" 2 AB
Em G 155 Back squat/ seated DB Press single arm 52 reps/ 25#

Rich A 220/ 70 rx
Evan 145/ 54rx
Edwin 95/ 35 3 ab
Meredith 110 / 49 2 ab strict
Nat 135 47 rx
Megs 100 60 rx
Britt 85 38 2 ab
Pam 135 50 rx
Shannon 135 53 2 ab
Sarah 85 form hs kick up
Geoff 135 63 push ups

Kalyn Gilinger said...

Stephanie C 90, 34 (3 Ab mats)