

EMOM for 20 Minutes:
1. 15 Box Jump Overs (20/24")
2. 50 Double Unders
3.12/15 Calorie Air Bike
4. Rest

Cash Out: 
3 Rounds for quality:
25 GHD Sit-ups
25 Hip Extensions
:30 Hollow Hold (accumulated)
:30 Superman Hold (accumulated)

"Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together."
-  Woodrow Wilson


Keith B said...


Tucker 20"
Subhan Rx
Larissa 30dubs 12ish cals
Mark Rx-ish(bike cals)
Yormin SU
Andrew SU
Brennan 20" SU/DUA last round

Aimee Lyons said...

Nick 12 DU
Gordy 20" 25 DU/ 10 cal
Em 12 BJO/30 DU
Dana H 10 Cal ECHO
Evan Z 20" box/ 15 DU/10 Cal bike
Jackie Scaled
Megs ski 7 cals/ 15 Goblet squat 26#/bike 8 cals

Jackie Halpern said...

Richard 10 bjo @ 11"/ 35su/6cal
Lee step overs 17"/30 dubs/8 cal c2
Ali 12 bjo 17"/8 dubs +su/8 cal

Aimee Lyons said...

Gillian 85 SU, 10 cal, weighted 20' Step Overs

Aimee Lyons said...

Danelle rx
Colette rx

Edwin 12 cal bike
Pam rx
Keith pukie
Shannon 25 DU
Ryan S 9 cal bike (some 12)
Geoff 15 box jumps/ 20 du / row

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 17" /10 cal bike
Cate 8 cal bike/ 30 DU
Ben Rx + 6 rds, no rest 3- 5 rmu/3 25 hs walk

Danielle Gambone said...

@Ben way to show us all up 🤣 I would have for sure puked 🤮 without any rest, or had I done an extra round!

Ben Shipley said...


Jeff RX
Matt D RX
Grace RX
Abby 🙂
Heather 15/40/10
Freaky last 2 rounds 10 cals
Matty Bo 2 rounds RX then 12/25/12

Ivette & Jorge 8/40 SU/:40 seconds
Kevin RX (first 2 rounds 12 cals by accident)
Rizzo 15/Su/10
Danielle C 13”/SU&DU/10
Karelian 13/75 SU/10
Adrian last 2 rounds 13 cals
Seth 12 step overs/65 SU/15 cals