

- Memorial Workout- 

All for time: 
3 rounds of: 
30 Row Calories 
10 Bar Muscle-ups 

Rest 3 mins

3 rounds of: 
30 Row Calories 
15 Strict Handstand Push-ups 

Rest 3 mins 

3 rounds of: 
10 Bar Muscle-ups 
15 Strict Handstand Push-ups 

 “You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” 
-Michael Jordan


Keith B said...

Tucker 29:00 pushup/pullups

Jamie Spak said...

Jamie 43:33 JBMU, Kip HSPU, no timed rest

Colette said...

Megz 36:49 jbmu 1.5 mats rr
Jen 36:52 6 jbmu 3 mats some push ups
Dana H 53:55 last 2 rounds kipping hspu (go Dana!)

Colette said...
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Colette said...

Gillian 45:45 - 10 Banded PullUp, 15 Inverted leg tuck/ext, Last 3 Rounds 30 cal row, RR, Band Push ups

Colette said...

Keith 32:50 5 bmu 10strict hspu last 3 rnds strict pull ups rip!
Grace 40:40 Rx
Matt 33:00 5rmu 10 strict hspu last 3 rnds strict pu and push ups
Sarah 40:57 jbmu box stink bugs
Edwin 32:00 jbmu 3 mats
Brandon (drop in) 30:53 Rx
Nick 30:02 jbmu stink bugs and push ups
Pam 39:40 2 bmu 2 mats
Dana 39:40 seated db press 20# c2b last 3 rounds push ups