


AMRAP 10 with a partner: 
8 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 
8 Wall-ball shots (20/30 lb) (9/10 ft)
 – Partners alternate full rounds. 
– One partner works at a time.

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 10 with a partner: 
8 Ring dips
16 Medball Cleans (20/30#)
 – Partners alternate full rounds. 
– One partner works at a time.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” 
– Ralph Waldo Emerson


Keith B said...


Jess/Tori 12+8 band / 6+9 band
Mark/Ghost Man 6 Rx / 4 Rx

Leda said...


Aimee/Clay 16+6 (Aimee 14#, Clay RX), 9+2 (Aimme Rx, Clay 6 *HSPU)
Jackie/Mary 14+10/15+22 (14#/Box Dips/Sc)
Larissa/ABO/Em G 16+4 (14#/RR/PU), 7+6 (Box Dip/20#/ Neg/ 14#)

Aimee Lyons said...

Erini / Gina 12+ 14 ROM+ band/ 6+4 strict/band
Carl/Rich A 14+2 Rx/SAbent over row 35# / 9 + 9 rx
Ana C / Kalyn 12+ 2 rx/ 8+16 rx
Leda / Jonathan 12+4 4 pull-ups/rx / 5+1 ROM Ring pushups
Megs/ Meredith 17+4 4 C2B/4 Reg PU/ 14#/ 9+1 14/16# 4 dips/ band
Shannon/ Pam/Nat 14+10 5 C2B/ 9 5 dips/ band

AMRAP in 10
5 Box Pushups
10 Med Ball Cleans
rest 3:00
AMRAP in 10
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Wallballs

Terry / Lee 13 10#/ 14+1 band
Gigi / Kathy 11 + 10 8#/ 12 strict band/ RR
Richard/ Scott / Lisa 13 (14/10/8# MB) 15 band RR

Lauren Taylor said...

Lauren (solo) 7+4 10# / 4+4 4rp and 10#

Kalyn Gilinger said...

Jamie/Danielle G: 15+2 (pull-ups), 9+15 (box dips, banded dips)
Julia/Danielle C/Bhargav: 13+1 (16#, 14#, pull-ups, DB front squats), 10 (16#, 14#, db row, box dips)