

On a 12:00 clock: 
50-calorie row 
40 Kettlebell swings (35/53 lb) 
30 burpees 
Max rope climbs (15ft)

-rest 3:00-

On a 6:00 clock:
25-calorie row
20 Kettlebell swings (35/53#)
15 Burpees
Max rope climbs (15ft)

Community Notes: 
This weekend's classes 12/2-12/3 Saturday/Sunday 9 AM will be held at the Lyons Den (555 w. Beidler, King of Prussia); there will be NO Kids class Saturday or Lifting on Sunday. 
Saturday 7 - 8 am OPEN gym will be held at the box.  

FESTIVUS our annual Holiday party will be held Friday 12/8 at 5:30 PM. Come in your most festive outfit, get ready to air grievances, compete at feats of strength and bring a white elephant gift to trade and some treats and drinks to share. 

"If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful after all." 
— Michelangelo


Keith B said...


Greg 12, 5 Rx
Jess 4, 2.5 Rx
Kristen 3.5, 2 russian
Mark 10, 5 Rx
Subhan 5, 3 KBdeadlifts
Tori 5, 2 Rx

Colette said...

Jackie 6,3 c2 athletic burpee
Em 17, 9 banded strict pull up
Erini 6,3 rx
Aimee 6,3 rx
Cate 3,2 rx
Jill 4,2 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Pam 11/ 6 rx
Dana H 7/4 rx
Britt 3/1 10ft
Evan 4/3 26#
Shannon 6/3 rx
Taylor 5/1 rx
Lauren 5/3 rx
Megs 3/1 rx
Edwin 63 cals c2 bike/ 40 cals c2 bike
Matty Bo 3/1 3 pulls j hook
Meredith 18 pull-ups/ green 8 pullups green band
Liam 1 pull/0
Jonathan 3/1 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Gordy 6/3 ladies Rx

40 cal row/35 kbs/25 burpees
20 cal row/15 kbs/10 burpees

Kathy 3/3 pulls 18#
Scott 4/3 pulls 26#
Lee 2/2 15ft 26#
Terry 4/3 15ft 26#
Barb 20/20 RR 18#
Lisa 4/2 10ft 26#

Aimee Lyons said...

Ryan S 8/5 44#
Freaky 7/3 rx
Erika 8/4 10ft
Alex Tu 21/11 strict PU
Mike Mit 5/2 44#
Karen 4/2 c2 bike
The nat 6/2 rx
Remer 7/3 rx 20ft
Joe S 9/3 rx

Colette said...

Danielle C 4 (40 cal), 2 (20 cal)
Jamie 15, 6rx
Danielle G 12, 5rx
Seth 11, 7 floor walk ups 44#