
W.O.D. 5.3.19

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 
2 Rope Climbs, 15ft
10 Ring Dips 
20 GHD Sit-ups

Community Notes:
Good luck to Gordy and Aimee competing in the Masters Qualifiers this weekend!

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Manisha said...

Sean S 7+2 Rx
Jeremy D 6rds @ 15mins - Rx
Ellie 6+12 asst dips/15GHD+5abmat
Brian S 6+16 6 strict Pullups
Kevin B 7rds Rx
Theresa 6rds ROM Dips
Mark Sp 7+7 abmat
Jamie Sp 6+30 Pushups
Holly F 4+12 rr/asst dips/abmat
Andre L 5rds asst dips
Jess M 7+25 Good mornings (55#)/ 3 Rope Pulls/ asst dips
Chip 7rds abmat
Manisha 6+12 asst dips

Jenna said...

Christine 5+13 bands
Ryan 6+12 rx
Nick 6+2 rx
Mike 7 rx
Eddie 7 rx
Mary h 4 band sc rope
Jackie 4 (5 dips)
Larissa 5 (rom 5 dips)
Alex l 6+4 (10 ghd, 10 ab, 5 dips)
Mak 5+1 (5 dips)
Emily g 4+14 sc

Jenna said...

Kevin h 8 abmat
John King 6+10 (10 ghd/abmat)
Pete d 7+16 abmat
Meredith 6+5 (band/pu)
Tim h 7+2 (6 box dips, abmat)
Subhan 6 rx
Matt t 5+13 rx
Emma 4 (2 pull, band, abmat)
Karen m 7+10 (1/2 reps)
Micah 5 rx
Dana h 6+1 rx

Jenna said...

Annie 6+5 (1/2 reps, toes on box dip)
Ellie 5 (1/2 reps, 1 rc)
Tyler 8+5 abmat
Heather 6+1 (15/10’, rom ghd, toes on box)
Annette =)
Gabriella 7+15 (2 rca, box dips, abmat)

CFKOP iPad said...

Jill h 5 ftbox/3pulls
Natalia 6 pull to stand/pdip/abm
Danielle 5+22 Rx
Donna g 6+1 10ghd/10abm box dip
Laura a 6+12 ftbox

Danielle Gambone said...

Jill A 7+7,snatch #95,C2B
Josh 7+12rx
Colleen 5+20, band RD
Joe M 4+31,abmat
Mike M 5+6 abmat
Matt 5+4 rx
Roberto 6rx
Erin 5+12,band RD
Andrea 7,1 RC,Box dips,abmat
Tunde 6+12,10 ft rc,box dips
Shawna 5,box dips,abmat

Keith B said...


Rich A 7+2 Rx
JP 7 Rx
Vinnie 6+14 Rx
Alex B 5+10 pu/dip
Missy 5 10ft
Ben 6+14 Rx

Jillian Archibald said...

Andrew M. 7+2 rx
Jeff P. 6+12 rx
Todd 5 (1/2 abm 1/2 ghd)
Cory 8+17 rx
Jess S. 5+18 (band, rom ghd, abm)
Mike Mc. 6 (abm, 10')
Lauren H. 3+21 band
Braden 6+30 rx
Dan M. 5+12 rx
Caitlyn B. 4+6 (band)
Erinn M. 5+18 (band, 7')
Matt E. 5+2 (band, abm)
Hasan 5 (pu, rom dips)

Kim 5+1 (j-hook rom, ghd rom)
Samson 5+1 rom ghd, rom dips)
Neil De. 3+4 rx
Sara J. 5+17 (band pu, box dips, ghd rom)