

This workout runs every minute on the minute for 30 minutes. Start with one rep of each movement on the first minute, then add one rep every minute thereafter.

Minute One: 1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 1 Med Ball Clean*
Minute Two: 2 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 2 Med Ball Clean*
Minute Three: 3 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 3 Med Ball Clean*
Minute Four: 4 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 4 Med Ball Clean* etc ...

Continue as long as you can adding one rep to each movement until you "miss" - until you can no longer complete all the reps within one minute. At that point you re-start on the next minute, beginning at one rep and adding up again. Your total number of reps is your final score for this WOD. So in minute one your score will be (2) in minute two your score will be (4) = overall score 6 if you were to complete two minutes of work. Its recommended that you keep track of this on a paper or counting device.

*Weight for the Med ball (14#/20) and SumoDeadlift High Pull (65#/95#).

compare to (4.12.12) (1.21.11) and (7.20.10)

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held at the Annex, 110C DeKalb. Please park and meet there for all classes on 9/28 and 9/29.  The CFKids pre-school (cubs) class on Saturday at 10AM will be cancelled.

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
-Leo Tolstoy


Dave N. said...

For a quick way to calculate your score, multiply the last round you successfully completed times the round you did not complete, and then add on the reps you got in the round you did not complete. So, for example, let's say you completed round 8, but could only get 15 reps on round 9. Your score would be 8 times 9, plus 15 (87).

Note: This won't be your final score, but hopefully it will make it a heck of a lot easier to add up your final score.

My math skills > My Crossfit skills

This is why I need Barballs. (Wait, that doesn't sound right...)

Aimee Lyons said...

That's cool. Thanks!

Kristin T. said...

...And for those of you who forget your times tables, I started a "grid" on the white board @ the 6 am this morning! Good luck!

Chris P. said...

Dang Dave, what'd you go to Harvard or something??

Tim P said...

Tomorrow's regular 5:30 Endurance Track workout is taking it to the trail and will not meet at the track.
Meet in Valley Forge Park lower main main visitor's lot near the bathrooms and bike rentals trailer at 5:30 sharp so we can head out as a group for a scenic trail run along the river. Of course we'll add in some tempo/pickup runs, all are welcome and I will not leave anyone behind!

Paul S said...

Chip 238 RX
Nicole 261 #53
Susan 252 RX
Diane 260 R
Dianne 196 #35
Fran 254 #35
Ryan S. 272 #80
Travis 315 #75
Joe G. 182 RX
Rachael 232 RX
Sue L. 200 #65

Anonymous said...

mark H 270rx
pam 297 rx
brian r 384 rx
cris 325 rx

Miranda said...

Gina 240rx
Erika 205 rom
Jen K 164
Roni 272 RX
Becca 52
KT 342 RX
Jill 230 45#
Peter 310 RX
Mike S 302??
Balmer 332 RX

Shout out to Roni, and KT for crushing their previous scores on this one.
Loved the camaraderie in class this morning! That is what CF is all about! Love my classes, you guys ROCK!

Mike S said...

Miranda, I had 195 @ 75#.

Chris P. said...

Chris F 290
Kyle W 316
Sharon 199
Rob Ph 254
Mark B 132 in 16 min
Jen S 262

Bre 269
Derreck 265
Ryan B 341
Kluth 289
Shawna 150 @ 55#
Dave 278

Greg 193
Lauren G 366 @ 15#
Junior 247 @ 75#
Vinny 302
Kate C 393
Kelly 278 @ 55#
Johnny 240
Tom C 261

scores are "Rx" unless written otherwise. Nice job folks!

Jen S. said...

Kate F 220 35#/6#
Steph C 250 45#/10#
Al V - :) - lost track of counts rx weight