

5 Rounds for time of:
10 Wallballs (14#/20#) to a 9/10ft target
15 Push-ups


3 Rounds for time of:
10 Pull-ups
25 Air Squats

Coaches Notes:
These mini-workouts are designed to be sprints.  Push with as much intensity as you can! Take (approximately) a 5 minute rest between WOD's...this rest period will be determined by the coach of your class.

“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.” 
― Babe Ruth


Tim P said...

Last night at the track with the perfect skies and not a trace of wind we had some pretty fast PRs being done.

Kyle W blasted out a 5:57 mile, with a 15sec PR from the previous few attempts, ummm while wearing a 12#!!! vest. I told him it would be the same as if he just ate a giant hoagie- Congrats Kyle!-

Jess C also demolished her mile with a 7:11, which adds to a growing pile of attempts under 7:30 now.

Sam B decided to use this mile as a warm up so he'd be ready to hammer down on the 800m (2 laps) time trial. He took it at a easier pace, to him that turned out to a 6:40 - but then came back after a nice good 6min recovery time to bolt out a 2:29 half mile.

Very noteworthy, and consistent efforts just getting the work done"

Some were pushing the mile, 800, and 400 as best they could, other were focussing just on the one they wanted to do best so taking the other intervals slightly easier in intensity.

Kyle 5:57
Oleg 6:51
Sam B 6:40(80%)
Tracy 7:11
Jess C 7:11
Seshu 6:48
Laura P 7:33(80%)
Flounder 7:16
Heather (fartlek warmup)

Sam B 2:29
Seshu 2:47
Kyle 2:56
Laura P 3:05
Oleg 3:45
Jess C 3:50
Tracy 4:07
Flounder 4:09
Heather 3:38

Sam B :68seconds !
Kyle :73sec.
Seshu :74sec.
Laura P :83sec.
Jess C :86
Tracy :87
Heather 1:31
Flounder 1:39

Anonymous said...

klutch 5:47, 2:49 rx
Gina 7:23(incline), 3:37(rr)
Kim G 10:07(rom), 5:05(rr)
Mark C 8:03, 3:42 rx
Steve Z 9:29(14#/knee), 5:15(rr)
KT 6:14, 2:45 Rx
Racheal W 11:46 10#/incline, 4:05 (rr)
Alona 6:37(rom), 3:45 rx

Welcome to Rachael W, this AM was her first class!!

Pete 6:23, 2:32 rx
Dinger 7:33 (18#,Incline), 4:15(bnd)
King 5:29, 3:17rx
Mark H 9:51 rom, 5:10(blu)
Alex 7:08(sn), 2:52 rx
Lauren 9:32 rx, 8:02 Blu

Shout out to Mark H for integrity, its was Mark's second class and he gave himself ROM on his pushups (note: Marks got great push ups) for 'maybe' not locking a couple out.

Vin 4:04,1:58Rx
Balmer 4:45, 1:58Rx

Paul S said...

Keith 5:58, 1:50
Tobin 4:24, 2:01
Kara 7:22, 4:23
Christ 7:28, 4:26
Ryan 3:29, 3:25
Diane 5:44, 3:58
Rich 6:25, 4:26
Alison K. 6:03, 4:26
Alison K. 6:03, 4:26
Allison B. 7:55, 4:03
Susan 9:52, 5:18
Jonathan 6:35, 2:57
Ryan S. 8:47, 5:20
Brian H. 8:29, 4:24

Good work today, coffee time was glorious too.

King said...

wow Vinny and Balmer - you guys really smoked it - great job!

Paul S said...

Kevin Y. 7:42, 4:30
Mr. T 8:21, 3:32
Patrick 6:28, 2:59
Kwon 5:45, 2:48
Dave N. 8:06, 4:04
Cline9:30, 4:25
Mrs. T 8:25, 4:52
Seshu 8:33, 2:58
Jason 6:42, 4:12
Jess C. 8:17, 9:09
Oleg 6:22, 2:36
Tim Mcc 5:37, 1:47
Bre 8:43, 4ish
Jessie 6:12, 3:23
George 6:57, 3:25
Jill 6:19, 3:16
Steph C. 5:40, ?

Unknown said...


Ditty 9:35 SC/4:02 Ring rows
Austin 10:03 SC/3;05 RX
Carter 8:50 SC/ 3:11 RX
Abigail 8:00 Sc/ 3:51 Bnd
Denise 6:54 Sc/ 4:15 RX

Shout out to the kids that saved Ditty from doiing this workout all by herself, and crushing this workout!

4:30 Bro-Sess!

Derrick ROM 7:43/ 5:15 sit-ups
Joe G 8:26 SC/ 4:40 SC
Brandon RX 6:50/3:56 RX
Alex B RX 6:43/2:47 RX
Brian R RX 6:37/2:59 RX
Joe P 7:44 SC/ 3:40RX
TimP 6:31 RX/1:56RX

Shout out to Alex for dropping in with us!