2010 CrossFit Games Individual Event 2
For Time:
1200m Run
63 K-Bell Swings (55/35#)
36 Pull Ups
800m Run
42 K-Bell Swings
24 Pull Ups
400m Run
21 K-Bell Swings
12 Pull Ups
*40 minute time cap on this WOD.
3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 K-Bell Swings
12 Pull Ups
(compare to 7.30.10)
"When a thing ceases to be a subject of controversy, it ceases to be a subject of interest."
-William Hazlitt
Jay E. 34:46 (mf)
Todd B 28:50 Rx
Grebe 30:46 (45#, mf)
Melinduh 31:31 (mf)
Kristin T 26:55 Rx
Olan 28:23 Rx
Dorothy 30:12 Rx
Kate 25:56 Rx
Paul F. 29:41 Band/26/35/45
Shoeless: 30:08 Rx (36)
Mike T: 22:37 45#/Rx (48)
Sam B 20:56 Rx (89 su)
Vinny 24:14 Rx (80su)
Dianne 19:35 (26.5, green band)
Dan G 13:22 (35, mf)
Oleg 11:49 (45#)
Mike S. 15:29 (35#, mf)
Pooch 12:39 (35#, jumping pu)
Kim G 16:51 (mf)
Ali Z. 15:00 (256.5#, green and mf)
Steve Z. 19:31 (row, 26.5, black)
Becky 17:03 Rowing Helen Rx
Arin 20:09 (band/26)
Tamas 19:26 Rx
Joy 15:54 (band/26.5)
Sharon 24:56 DC
Keith 18:12 (PP)
Joe C. 17:07 (55/band)
Becca 18:03 (band/10#pp)
Kelly 15:37 (band/18)
Zac: 16:45 55/BLu & GR (52)
Rob Ph 13:39 55/GR (49)
Brian 13:12 Rx (56)
Denise: 17:10 35/MF (61su)
Jess S 18:32 35/GR (35)
Miranda 15:45 Rx (100su)
Peterbutt 11:23 Rx (52)
Danielle 12:05 35/GR (36)
Dan: 11:57 45/Band (49)
Will: 10:48 Rx
Ditty 15:25 35/MF (28)
Rachael 15:24 35/BLu (32)
Mark: 12:30 black/45 (43)
Alex: 10:44 green/26 (97su)
Tim H: 14:26 green/45
Tracy 13:44 green/25 (59)
Black 17:17 black/55
KSB 16:38 mf/35 (26)
Chris B: 15:40 Rx (43su)
Akeem 23:36 (SHDL 26 & Green/Black)
Tony 10:30 Rx (78su)
John 14:59 53/Green (61su)
Sheng-Ching 19:38 35/BLK (35su)
Joe A: 14:26 Rx (43)
Diego 12:50 35/MF (57su)
Randy 16:38 45/GR (?)
JNa: 15:21 35/GR (42su)
What's it gonna be boy?
LOL...Dorothy, wasn't this the WOD that started it all?
uh oh! please come to the evening classes for the throwdown!
OMG - this looks like fun (other than the pullups) . . . stupid rest day >:-/
High Noon The Box
Bring tape for your hands and a tissue to wipe away your tears.
Why do I *always* miss Helen? I was so going to RX that shit. ;)
6AM class results (yes, really, 6AM):
Jay E. 34:46 (mf)
Todd B 26:50 Rx
Grebe 30:46 (45#, mf)
Melinduh 31:31 (mf)
Kristin T 26:55 Rx
Dianne 19:35 (26.5, green band)
Dan G 13:22 (35, mf)
Oleg 11:49 (45#)
Mike S. 15:29 (35#, mf)
Pooch 12:39 (35#, jumping pu)
Kim G 16:51 (mf)
Ali Z. 15:00 (256.5#, green and mf)
Steve Z. 19:31 (row, 26.5, black)
Outstanding work everyone! Amazing effort and perseverance this morning. For those who've just started, mf is mental floss, which is a thin band on the pullups. Great way to start the Labor Day weekend!
Kristin T cheats. You should see how much tape she uses on her hands. That's gotta make it easier! Just kidding KT, Great job today. It's always fun competing with you. My time is incorrect. It was actually 28:50, not 26.
Thanks for the catch Todd, much appreciated. Below is the repost with the corrected time. And yes, KT did use a lot of tape, but not even close to a box record.
Jay E. 34:46 (mf)
Todd B 28:50 Rx
Grebe 30:46 (45#, mf)
Melinduh 31:31 (mf)
Kristin T 26:55 Rx
Dianne 19:35 (26.5, green band)
Dan G 13:22 (35, mf)
Oleg 11:49 (45#)
Mike S. 15:29 (35#, mf)
Pooch 12:39 (35#, jumping pu)
Kim G 16:51 (mf)
Ali Z. 15:00 (256.5#, green and mf)
Steve Z. 19:31 (row, 26.5, black)
Kristin T: You rocked this!! Awesome job, girl!
Haha. The amount of tape that I use is pretty silly! I even pre-made my tape grips last night! Great job to everyone in the AM class!! Todd I was just chasing you the whole time! Good stuff today!
Olan is all that and a bag of donuts!
Some great enduring at the nooner today, especially through that HELL-en. Also those attempting "Helen" for the first time put forth a stellar job!
Even more commendable, everyone at high noon used our online sign up system and was checked in except for 1 person! that's an A + in my book!
Thank you all!
Thanks to Dorothy and Olan for changing their minds and doing "hell-en" with me! It helped to have you guys pushing me, even if Dorothy did call me a whore when we passed each other during one of the runs. :-)
Kate, I'm sorry about calling you a whore. I didn't think you heard me.
So, wait. Are you apologizing for the content or the volume of your message?
hahahaha Dorothy also said she would have to kick my shins in for the King/Queen of Prussia...gotta love that competitive edge.. Nice Job Everyone!
4:30 (Thanks to Special Guest Coach Nikki, who was gracious enough to make a return to KOP and help the injured Donkey)
Number in parens was non-mandatory cashout: max wallballs or situps in 3 minutes, by special request from Rob Ph.
Shoeless: 30:08 Rx (36)
Mike T: 22:37 45#/Rx (48)
Zac: 16:45 55/BLu & GR (52)
Rob Ph 13:39 55/GR (49)
Brian 13:12 Rx (56)
Denise: 17:10 35/MF (61su)
Jess S 18:32 35/GR (35)
Miranda 15:45 Rx (100su)
Peterbutt 11:23 Rx (52)
Danielle 12:05 35/GR (36)
Dan: 11:57 45/Band (49)
Will: 10:48 Rx
Ditty 15:25 35/MF (28)
Rachael 15:24 35/BLu (32)
5:30 Thanks to Miranda for being demo girl and Miranda and Shoeless for helping cheer!
Mark: 12:30 black/45 (43)
Alex: 10:44 green/26 (97su)
Tim H: 14:26 green/45
Tracy 13:44 green/25 (59)
Black 17:17 black/55
KSB 16:38 mf/35 (26)
6:30 Thanks to Shoeless for being demo boy and Ken & Shoeless for helping coach.
Sam B 20:56 Rx (89 su)
Vinny 24:14 Rx (80su)
Chris B: 15:40 Rx (43su)
Akeem 23:36 (SHDL 26 & Green/Black)
Tony 10:30 Rx (78su)
John 14:59 53/Green (61su)
Sheng-Ching 19:38 35/BLK (35su)
Joe A: 14:26 Rx (43)
Diego 12:50 35/MF (57su)
Randy 16:38 45/GR (?)
JNa: 15:21 35/GR (42su)
Again, special thanks to all my helpers tonight.
WOD-sters: Some outstanding efforts this evening, pushing hard to beat previous PRs, set a new benchmark standard, and/or kick ass on HELL-EN. Loved seeing those folks who strung those swing--NICE work! Great heart from everyone, pushing yourselves! Also loved the spirit with which people attacked our cashout. Super job.
Have a terrific weekend, all.
Incredible fortitude and perseverance from Shoeless Joe
on Hell-en this afternoon. Great Job!
- Rob Ph
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