
W.O.D. 9.14.11

Kevin B.


and Bubbles (Kevin's super strong alter ego?)

Push Press

Cash Out:
AM(Reps)AP in 3 minutes
Push Press 45#

(Keep your heels on the ground and drive through your posterior chain and midline...reps from the toes don't count, watch out for muted hip and forward inclination. Scale weight according to level and ability.)

Community Notes:
We are up to $400 dollars raised for FGB 6! The CFKoP community is simply amazing! If you want to donate at the box the day of the event, that will be available also. The 9AM and 10AM sessions are available on Saturday September 17th, to both members and non-members.

The 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games on ESPN2 Wednesday, September 14, from 8-10 EDT (5-7 PDT).

"If there are things you don't like in the world you grew up in, make your own life different."
- Dave Thomas

Oleg - 155# / 85
Mike p - 155# / 88
Katie V - 70# / 25
Chris T - 135# / 68
Pat - 170# / 83
Pooch - 145# / 57
Lee - 125# / 58
Joy - 70# / 37
Dianne - 83# / 44
Kim G - 88# / 51
Keith 195#/140
Jeff 160#/106
Lindsey 115#/56
Joe D 190#/75
Kyle 165#90
Becca 80#/71(20#)
Jackie 80#/64(20#)
Diego 130/64
Josh C 175/107
Brian R 185/91 (50# PR ! )
Ernie 155/89
Kevin B for Bubbles 195/116 booya
Dan G 125/118
Aimee 130 (PR!) 71
Jason B 205/114
Flounder 165 PR /67
Mike F 205 PR! / 101
Vinny 225/111
Sandy 83 (PR) / 38
Steph V 135 PR! / 88
Chris Surr 265 !PR! / 143 BAM!
Denise 93 (PR) / 34
Ben 125/46
Sharon 118/44
Cline 135/64
Borden 185/60
Kate 128 (PR)/62
Charles 135/53
Akeem 130/58
Randy 115/48
Shoeless 165/93
Sam B 215/139
Conn 185/74
Stasie 65/38(35#)
JNa 75/50
Zack 225/85


Kathleen said...

Fran Hangover day #2: The only thing keeping me from thinking about how bad my biceps hurt today is how badly my quads are killing me!

Vinny said...

6:00am - PR land results

Oleg - 155# / 85
Mike p - 155# / 88
Katie V - 70# / 25
Chris T - 135# / 68
Pat - 170# / 83
Pooch - 145# / 57
Lee - 125# / 58
Joy - 70# / 37
Dianne - 83# / 44
Kim G - 88# / 51

If your name is listed above not only did you take this class...but you also set a PR!!! For a few of us it may have been our first PR on this movement, and for others, it meant shattering a previous best...Either way, its a testament to your commitment at CF KOP. Way to push yourself and inspire...

Cline said...

Dear CFKOP Female Volleyball Players,

I'm starting a BB league in West Chester tomorrow night and we could use a woman to fill in.

We play at 9 @ Rustin High School

Let me know if you're interested.



p.s. All 3 of our women have attendance issues (2 because of their rampant fertility), so there will certainly be other opportunities.

Aimee Lyons said...

Happy Birthday Mike S!!!

Jon Schell said...

I have to agree with Kathleen. My biceps and left trap are absolutely destroyed. I might not be back until next week. =(

Mike P said...

Happy Birthday Mike S!

Kristin T. said...

Happy Birthday Mike S! It's been awesome to see your progress in the AM! Keep it up!

Peterson said...

Keep on truckin Mike S. You've come a long way!

Cate said...

The PR parade continues!! no pressure for you evening people!

Keith 195#/140
Jeff 160#/106
Lindsey 115#/56
Joe D 190#/75
Kyle 165#90

PRs across the board! GOOOOO KOP!!!! :-)

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday Mike S!

Jeff said...

Happy Birthday Mike S! Hope you have a great day!

Chris P. said...

to one of the nicest guys in the box (amongst many), happy birthday Mike S! Your determination and desire to learn are awesome

Kathleen said...

Happy birthday Mike!!!!

Jay E said...

Happy Birthday Mike S!

Todd said...

Happy birthday Mike!

TP said...

430 StongMen/Women

Becca 80#/71(20#)
Jackie 80#/64(20#)
Diego 130/64
Josh C 175/107
Brian R 185/91 (50# PR ! )
Ernie 155/89
Kevin B for Bubbles 195/116 booya
Dan G 125/118
Aimee 130 (PR!) 71

Again, PR's In, Around, and all over the place, nice work.

TP said...

530 STRONGER Men/Women

Jason B 205/114
Flounder 165 PR /67
Mike F 205 PR! / 101
Vinny 225/111
Sandy 83 (PR) / 38
Steph V 135 PR! / 88
Chris Surr 265 !PR! / 143 BAM!
Denise 93 (PR) / 34
Ben 125/46
Sharon 118/44

Awesome work again across the racks. Chris S, whew, what a feat to witness, pure power.

630 Strongest MEN/Women

Cline 135/64
Borden 185/60
Kate 128 (PR)/62
Charles 135/53
Akeem 130/58
Randy 115/48
Shoeless 165/93
Sam B 215/139
Conn 185/74
Stasie 65/38(35#)
JNa 75/50
Zack 225/85

Mike S said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Howard said...

Happy Birthday Mike!

Keep up the good work. Your determination and hard work in the WODs are great motivators for the early risers.

Jason Lyons said...

Sam, with your shoulder press ability, your press should be like 225. You can do more...I know it!