
W.O.D. 5.10.16

Teams of two complete the following for time:
60 Clean and Jerks (105/155#)
15 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
100 Burpees

(The order and the work can be completed and split in any way. One athlete works at a time.)

"He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander."


CFKOP iPad said...

Mike Sa and Justin 25:26 95#
Kevin 14:95# 1/2 reps
Mike sim and King 21:12 Rx
Theresa and Manisha 22:03 (85/65#)

Pete and joe 17:12 Rx
Laura a and Brianna 20:26 (85#)
Nick 19:46 Rx 1/2 reps

Anonymous said...

Darcy (ropepulls/63) & Kelly-OR (SqCln/nojerk) 23:06
Pete-OR (rx) & Mike Ro (Rope pulls/115) 20:37
Bekah (75) & Jill Hi (75/RC Attempts) 18:40

Aimee Lyons said...

Erika/Denise 17:50 75# rope scale
*Denise first time up the rope to 15'
Pam/Dana 16:56 pam rx, dana 95
Drew/JP 17:53 JPrx, Dew 135#
Rob C/ Tim H 16:40 Rob 135/10ft Tim 95 pulls
Sara (45#) Meredith (55#) Therese 55# 18:52 attempts

Aimee Lyons said...

Masters 1:00PM
Kevin / Bill 11:30 75/15
Terry/ Jodilee 12:20 45#

30 Clean and Jerks
50 Burpees
8 rope climbs

CFKOP iPad said...

4:30 PM

Ryan S. 14:26, 125#
Justin R. 18:26 95#
Keith B. 19:36 Rx
Alicia M. 19:36 75#
Mike M. 18:26 95#
Mike R. 14:26 125#
Julie R. 22:40 85#
Karen M. 22:40 65#
Rich A. 14:15 Rx
Alison K. 14:26 85#
Dave H. 14:15 Rx


CFKOP iPad said...

5:30 pm

Pat P. 18:00 135#
Josh P. 18:00 125#
Lucy Q. 23:21 45#
Shawna P. 23:21 65#


Anonymous said...


TJ (75) & Mike C (75/rc attempts) 19:53
Giuls (75HPS) & Ellie (65) 16:26
neil (95 attempts) & Molly (40/Bar Hook-ups :))
Tia & Rob 23:04 95/Bar Hook)

Rachel Spring said...


Dudes After Dark presents...

Team "Give It Up To Rocco"
Dave N (RX)-Chris (95)-Matt E (RX) 21:45