
W.O.D. 4.11.16


Push Press
3 Rep Max

*take as many sets as necessary to get to your 3 RM Push Press

Cash out:
AMRAP in 5 Minutes
5 Muscle-Ups
10 Power Cleans (95/135#)

(scale MU to 5 Dips if you do not have proficiency in Muscle Ups)

Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. 
-George S. Patton 


Tim P said...

Sarah W 70, 4 Rnds+5 (55#/band)
Taylor S 70, 3+10 (63#, band)
Manisha 70
Theresa 75
Mike S 115, 3+7 (105, band)
Kevin B 125, 4+9 (105)
Ben M 115, 2+4 (95, band)
Justin D 115, 3 rounds scaled
Mike Sim form, 3+1 Rx

Briana K 135, 5 rounds Rx
Laura Alt. 95, 3+2 Rx
Jasmine B 85, 4+4 (35#, paralett)
Dae B 65, 3+3 (35#, paralett)

Laura Altimari said...

Unfortunately I did not RX the cashout. Dips with a band for this lady.

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM
Jill H 95 PR (3 rds (85# band))
Jill A 135 PR (2 + 1 ( 2MU))
Jackie 125 PR (3 + 8 (85 # band))
Kevin H 155 PR (3 + 3 125#)
Mary H 85# PR (3 + 6 65# paralette)
Rich A 185 # PR (1 + 4 rx)
Jess A 70# (3 + 6 55# paralette)
Molly 75# PR (3 + 12 55# paralette)
Katie 75# PR (3 +12 55# paralette)
Meggan 90# PR (3 8# band)
Karen S 70# (2 33# paralette)
Pam 115x3 120 x2 PR (3+2 dips)

Anonymous said...

I also did not RX the cashout...I did dips with band.

Keith B said...


Alica-Marie 83 PR! 5 band 63
Anne 65 3 band 55
Mike R 130 4+3 95
Ryan A 245 PR! 5+2 band
Rob C 165 PR! 3 dip

Aimee Lyons said...

Mike I 125 PR 3 (75# band)
Julie 103 Pr 3 + 10 55 band
Gordy 175 pr 5+11 95 hpc
John Mc 155 pr 3 + 5 135# band

Alicia 78 5 band 63
Anne 65 3 band 55
Mike R 130 4 + 3 95#
Ryan A 245 PR 5 + 2 band
Rob C 165 PR 3 rx

Giulia 115 Pr 2 + 12 MU trans
Ryan S 145 :)
Keith 225 3 rx
Sarmad 83 3 85# band
Mike F 135 2 + 1 band
Jenna 100 PR 3 +5 95# band
Shawna 95 PR 2 + 8 95 band
Mark C 205 3 + 2 band
Josh P 165 PR! 2 + 1 (1 mu)
Luke 155 3 + 5 band 115
Mariana 90# PR 2 + 14 band 75

Raj 125
Sharon 95
Luis 155
EJ 120
Cline 140 pr
Dave N 195 pr
Erik 165
Caitlyn 60
Borden 45
Erika 95
TJ 105
Kris 95# pr
Matt Bo 175
Mike Roth 115
Michael C 105

6:30 did a partner cash out
one athlete does 10 PC while the other does ring dips
score is the total ring dips for the team

Sharon/Raj 62
Luis/Borden 65
EJ/TJ 33
Cline/Erik F 59 115#
Dave/Matt 33
Cati/Amanda 59
Erika/Kris 68
Mike R/Michael C 86