

AMRAP  in 20 Minutes:
2 Ring Muscle Ups
4 Strict Handstand Push-ups
12 Dumbbell Lunge (forward or reverse step) (35/50#)
50 ft Handstand Walk 

"Friendship is like money, easier made than kept."
-  Samuel Butler


Matt Powell said...

Jess 5+9 Ring Pull thru/ HSPU 2 abmats/25#/HS shoulder taps
Subhan 4=1 Ring MU Attempts/ 50#/ wall walks
Alex 3 +9 Ring MU / 24" Box HSPU/ 50#/ 25' HS walks
Brennan 4 +18 Ring pull thru's/ 24" box HSPU/ 20# / 10 Half wall walks

Aimee Lyons said...

Matt 4+16 rx
Em G 6+11 20#/trans/3AB / box walk around
Megs 6+6 5 WWIN/ 1.5 Ab/ 15# JMU
Jackie 5+19 JMU/ 5 WWIN 2 AB+ plate/ 30#
Eric 6 JMU trans 3 AB
Cate 4+18 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Dana H 5 rx
Evan Z 4 35#
Sarah B 5+16 bear crawl 20# push up 2 ab trans
Nick P 6+9 JBMU/ 5 wwin/40# box hspu
Pam G 5+5 hips to rings 25 ft abmat
Keith B 5+18 BW lunge
Meredith H 6+20 1 AB + plate 20# JBMU 5wwin
Shannon R 5+ 19 5wwin / 1 AB/ hips to rings
Edwin M 7 trans / 2 AB 5 WWIN

Aimee Lyons said...

AMRAP in 20
2 strict pull-up/ring row
4 push up
8 cal ski
12 lunge / goblet squat

Kathy 7+6 RR/Squat 26#
Terry 7+8 band PU/Lunge 12# DB

Ben Shipley said...

Jeff 8+2 RX
Grace 7+18 RX + Cart Wheel
Julia 5+2 RR&Support/1 Ab Mat SHSPU/25' Walk
Greg 4+25' RX
Yormen 4 Scaled
Kristen 5+12 Scaled

Rakshit 4+18 h2r/2Ab Mat/3WW
Erini 5+19 h2r/2 Abmat SHPSU 2 rnds 1 Abmat SHSPU 3 rnds/5 WW
Seth 6+8 RR&RD/60#Z Press/WW&Pike work
Ivette 5 Scaled
Jorge 5 Scaled
Sai 5 RR and Support/Z Press/WW
Sravanh RR and Support/z Press/WW