

 AMRAP in 8 Minutes:

8 Push Press (65/95#)
8 Front Squats (65/95#)

 Rest 2:00

 AMRAP in 8 Minutes:

8 Handstand Push-ups
8 Box Jumps (24/30")

Gratitude is the single most important ingredient to living a successful and fulfilled life. 
-Jack Canfield


Ben Shipley said...

9:30 AM

Jackie 7+8 @55/ 4 (2Ab Mat/Step Ups 20")
Ethan 6@95#/4+11 (24"/25"DB Press)
Steph 7+1 @55/ 5+2 5 Pike Pushups
Erini 6@55#/4 (hspu practice + Pikes)
Leah 6@55#/6 (20"/15#DB Press)

Erini said...
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Erini said...

6 rx / 4 (1 kip hspu practice + 7 box pikes)

Danielle Gambone said...

Danielle 9 rx/5+8 seated DB press
Jamie 11+4 rx/5+1 rx

Lauren Taylor said...

Matt 6+11 RX / 7 seated press and 24 in
Adrian 7+1 RX / 4+10 RX
Karolina 4+6 57# / 7+8 seated press and 20 in
Kristen 6+8 55# /6+8 DBPP
Yormen 4 RX / 4 2ab
Jeff 8+8 RX / 8 RX
Grace 10 RX / 7 +10 RX
Eric 5+8 RX / :) 2ab

Ben Shipley said...


Shannon 9+15/4 RX
Edwin 7RX/4 (DB ZPress)
Freaky 8+7RX/3 (1 1/2 ab mats)
Ivette 7/4 scaled
Jorge 6/4 scaled
Pam 10+9/4+5 RX
Rich A 10/4+7 RX
Dana D 7+1 RX/4+7 (2 hspu,6 push-ups)