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King and Queen Workout #2: “May 2020”
For the most part, the town has come to a screeching halt. Horses are stabled, doors are locked and people are afraid to go near each other. Life as we know it has changed…some for good…some for bad. Where will this workout fall in your skillset?
For time:
10-1 reps of:
Barbell Front Rack Lunge
Power Clean
Power Snatch
(Ladies 55#, Gentlemen 75#)
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
- Abraham Lincoln
14:19 RX
13:44 RX
Mak 10:56 Rx
Julia C 12:26 Rx
Kate C 14:59 Rx
King 14:32 Rx
Kevin B 10:49 Rx
Mike Melendez 10:27 Rx
Danielle G 9:01 Rx
Karen Maley 10:31 Rx
Ben M 14:37 Rx
Susan A 16:12 Rx
Manisha 19:34 Rx
12p Zoom
Ina 14:44 30# Bar
Rich A 9:35 rx
Pete D 10:17 rx
Lea W 8:43 rx
Meighan D 13:13 (push press) sc
Jenna 12:15 rx
Jill H 13:07 rx
Yex 13:38 rx
Alex Thom 9:47 rx (drop in)
Brian H 8:22 rx
Sam B 7:23 rx
Pam G 8:51 rx
Ana c 10:20 rx
Carl B 9:19 rx
Jess A 16:58 (push press) sc
Mary H 16:50 rx
Missy 14:07 (35)
Alex B 13:54 rx
Barb B 10:42 (22)
Matt B 13:27 rx
Kevin H 12:20 rx
Aimee 8:04 rx
Cate 8:34 rx
Laura A 12:58 rx
Rachel A 18:25 rx
Remer 8:51 rx
Joe S 9:04 rx
Joe C 12:00 rx
Karen Mas 12:08 rx
Mae 12:38 (55/15) sc
Mike Mit 13:34 rx
John Mc 20:07 rx
Olan 13:26 rx
Roberto 11:55 rx
Sarah N 9:07 rx
Sal 12:33 (45/35 db)
Dave H 8:57 rx
Keith 13:39 rx
Natalie D 10:41 rx
Grafce A 17:40 rx
Johnathan B 13:05 rx
Randy 11:46 rx
Mike C 15:47 rx
Bridget 10:14 rx
Greg A 17:33 rx
Jamie Sp 7:56 rx
Gianfranco 15:10 rx
Max 15:15 rx
Brian S 8:22 rx
Bhargav 17:05 (65)
Sarah J =[
Dana D 11;28 rx
Grace T 14:32 rx
Mike D =]
Ryan P 8:50 rx
Samson 10:54 rx
Mark sp 13:33 rx
Ben B 14:23 (push press) sc
Nishanth 17:20 (35)
Danielle C 15:09 (33)
Marissa 10:29 rx
Raj 13:28 RX
Alana 17:58 RX
My time was 8:29 RX (: it says 10:29 next to my name!
Sorry Marissa! Thanks!
Gordy 11:32 65/bw lunge
Terry 16:04 45/35/15 DB
Anne B 16:25 45/35/15 DB
Kathy H 14:18 22/32/10 # DB
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