Clash of the Classes Week 3!
(Who's the fittest? Morning? Mid-day? or Evening?)
3 Rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
40 Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
30 Calorie Row
20 GHD Sit-ups
10 Bar Muscle Ups
Scaled Version:
3 Rounds for time of:
150 Single Unders
40 Dumbbell Snatch (20/35#)
30 Calorie Row
20 AB-Mat Sit-ups
10 Pull-ups
(time cap 30:00 minutes)
Coaches Notes:
Time-capped scores will be recorded as left over reps, recorded as seconds attached to 30 minutes.
For example 30:30, would be 30 reps remaining after the time cap
Community Notes:
Join us at 10:30 AM for BOOTCAMP today!
Don't forget to sign up in the lobby for the King and Queen of Prussia!
“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”
– Beverly Sills
John McH 30:30sc
King 27:52 sc
Ben M 29:48 sc
Theresa L 25:45 sc
Jeremy 26:34 pull ups sc
Mike San 35:10 Rx
Kevin B 30:54 Rx
Colleen 29:06 sc (30#/pull-ups band/ghd rom +abm)
Angelo 27:35rx
David b 30:50 sc
Kat 30:54 sc
Laura s 30:04 sc
Rich a 28:28 rx
Jaz 30:30 sc
Kate c 31:00 (5 bmu)
Kevin l 32:06 rx
Jess m 29:54 sc
Raj 31:13 sc
Jenna 31:00 sc (band mu)
Joe c 31:20 sc (bmu/ c2b)
Nikki 29:10 sc (strict band pu)
Jeff h 29:06 sc (su, 35, pu)
Jackie h 30:38 sc
Matt t 29:33 sc
Kevin t 30:45 sc 45#
Julia m 30:55 sc
Sam b 30:10 sc
Micah 28:41 sc c2b
Remer 29:53 rx
Meredith 30:06 sc
Tim p 30:20 rx
Pete d 31:00 rx
Mark p 30:33 sc
Manny 31:15 sc
Steph v 28:49 sc
Evie b 30:05 sc
Holly f 28:38 sc
Jin 31:00 sc
Therese 31:07 sc
Dana d 30:01 sc
Alex t 30:43 sc
Alex th 30:37 sc
Mike m 30:45 sc
Jill a 30:20rx
Denise w 24:00 2 rds sc
Alona 31:00 sc
Matt d 29:50 sc
Karen m 29:04 sc
Randy 30:30sc
Noel 30:30sc
Twinnie 31:29 rx
Caitlyn b 31:09 sc
Caitlin 30:10 sc
Ryan m 30:07 sc
Joe s 30:09 rx
Shawna 32:29 sc
Aj :)
Jp 30:30rx
Josh s 31:29 sc
Matt b 31:08 sc
Steph c 30:51 sc
Taylor 29:16 rx
Laura a 30:10 rx
Cline 31:30 sc(30, 30du, pu)
Nancy 31:10 sc(band pu)
Esra 32:44 sc
Erik 31:00 sc
Michael Roth 30:35 sc(pu)
Tori 29:56 sc
Missy 30:34 sc (bandpu)
Alex 30:20 sc *dua, band pu)
Alan 22:10 (40DB high hang snatch, 30 battle rope, 20RR, 10 cal ski erg)
John 30:30 pu
Jen 30:37 Rx
Courtney 30:40 pu
Danielle 29:59 pu
Erika 30:09 pu
Jeff 25:56 Rx
Andrew 24:53 Rx
Michael C 30:52 sc
Dan M 30:17 5mu/rnd
Cherie 30:42 band
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