
W.O.D. 5.31.16


For time:
30 Clean and Jerks

(compare to 2.19.16)


Back Squat

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
 – Aristotle


Anonymous said...

Theresa 3:37 80PR, 125
Justin D 4:27 100, 225
Manisha 4:20 60, 95
Kevin B 2:22 95/200
Mike Si 2:03RXPR, 275

Anonymous said...

Jonathan S 2:08 75, 205
Mary H 2:55 55PR, 95
Bekah 2:55 85PR
Ryan A 2:53 135Hng PR
Briana 4:21RX
Mike Ro 3:18 95, 175
Lizzy 4:10 55, ?box
Brian S 2:41 95, 205
Barb 3:37 35, 55box
Meggan 4:18 68PR, 123
Katie 2:59 45, 65

Aimee Lyons said...

12:15 and 1:00PM Masters
Tim H 3:22 95#, 245
Pam G 3:47 Rx 165
Rob C 2:43 Rx PR! 215
Karen M 4:35 63# ??
Mike I 3:57 95# 155
Sarah W 3:50 65# PR! 100
Jon P 2:48 Rx 225
Joe M 4:38 70# 145
Rich A 2:20 rx 275

Bill M 7:35 35# 45 FS
Kevin 4:24 75# 165
Terry 5:33 55# 75
Jodilee 4:42 63# 83
Kendall 8:42 65# 95

CFKOP iPad said...

Dudes After Dark!

Dave N 2:35 RX PR; 275#
Chris D 2:22 (105) PR; 215#
Cline 4:11 (125); 185#
Beth 2:38 (35) PR; 65#

Jason Lyons said...

Guilz: 4:23 (93#), 155#
JillA: 3:22 (rx), 155#
Laura A: 3:54 (rx), 155#
Julie: 4:15 (rx), 125#
Jacob: 3:59 (85#), 135#
Matt C: 4:00 (115#), 205#
Erik: 4:02 (125#), 215#
Jessica: 3:21 (55#), 105#
Ryan: 5:00 (115#), 175#

Nicole D: 4:09 (35#), 35#
Alejandra: 3:22 (55#), 105#
Keith: 2:50 (rx), ---
Josh: 3:23 (115#), 165#
Nick: 4:01 (rx), 165#

Anonymous said...


Luke :), 185
Lindsey 3:47, 65, 105
TJ 3:30 75, 120
Mike 3:11 75, 120
Amanda 3:38 70 PR!, 115
Ashley 2:57 75 PR, 135 PR!
Rob 4:51 115 hang, 215
Danielle 4:00 75, 135
Neil 3:29 85, 215
Tia 3:12 65, 115
Matt B 3:17 rx ?
Molly 3:12 45, 95
Tara 2:16 35, 65 box
