

The Maltz Challenge

· 400 meter run
· 50 pull ups
· 100m fireman's carry or 200 meter farmer's walk with 50#/25# dumbbells
· 50 dips
· 100 push ups
· 50 knees to elbows
· 100 sit-ups
· 400 meter run

Click here to compare to past Maltz Challenges and click here to compare to last year.

Coaches Notes:
This workout can be done as a team if necessary.

On March 23, 2003, Master Sergeant Michael Maltz, a U.S. Air Force PJ (Para-rescue) was killed in action in a helicopter crash along with 5 of his brother PJ's while attempting a rescue mission of injured/sick children in the mountains of Afghanistan. MSGT Maltz is the late brother of Derrick Maltz, Special Agent in Charge of SOD. According to those who were close to him, MSGT Maltz possessed an enormous amount of strength and stamina. Bearing this in mind, a workout was specifically developed that would be particularly challenging in honor of him. The 4th Annual MALTZ CHALLENGE is being held today by DEA Offices around the world in honor of MSGT Maltz and others who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country, we at CrossFit King of Prussia will honor Master Sergeant Michael Maltz by completing this WOD in his honor. Bearing this in mind, a workout was specifically developed that would be particularly challenging in honor of him.

A guilty conscience is a hidden enemy.
-American Indian proverb

Ph 30:03 scale
Fayth/Anne 29:03 scale
Fab 37:03 scale
Roman 29:12 scale
"BAM" Lam & Brian R 27:08 sc
Oleg 33:12 Rx
Chip 37:20 ROM
Mark C & Peter 28:00 sc
Nick c 40:00 ROM
Jeff F 27:25
Jeff D 35:54
Jerry 26:12 Rx
Alex 36:00
John 46:04
Prince 34:48
Carl 34:50
Laurel 27:00 1/2Sc
Mark B 26:53 Sc
Eric 27:25
Chris A 41:23
Pat 39:08
Rinat 32:08 RX
Amanda/Jessie 22:10sc
Kara/Christ 23:06sc
Lisa C 37:45sc
Tim O 39:46 Sc
Miranda Sc
Matt G + Kelly 25:45 Sc
Tidmore & Aman 24:02 Sc
Cory 31:35 Sc
Sandy 33:36 Sc
Stephen 25:59
Cris A 28:54 Rx
Maniesha 20:26 1/2sc
Kyle 30:11 Sc/Pukie



Miranda said...

Hey peeps! Happy Friday! I'll be taking the 530 and would love to do this wod with a partner! Anyone interested?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"BAM" Lam & Brian R 27:08 sc
Oleg 33:12 Rx
Chip 37:20 ROM
Mark C & Peter 28:00 sc
Nick c 40:00 ROM

Jeff F 27:25
Jeff D 35:54
Jerry 26:12 Rx
Alex 36:00
John 46:04
Prince 34:48
Carl 34:50
Laurel 27:00 1/2Sc
Mark B 26:53 Sc
Eric 27:25
Chris A 41:23
Pat 39:08

Paul said...


Rinat 32:08 RX
Amanda/Jessie 22:10sc
Kara/Christ 23:06sc
Lisa C 37:45sc

Anonymous said...

I know you feel bad for laughing at me during the WOD, but you didn't need to shave 10 minutes off my time.
Mark B

steph v. said...

What a jerk I am!!! I was laughing with you not at you :)))) 100 Push ups is no joke (especially after those dips!)

Mark B 36:53 Sc

Paul S said...

Tim O 39:46 Sc
Miranda Sc
Matt G + Kelly 25:45 Sc
Tidmore & Aman 24:02 Sc
Cory 31:35 Sc
Sandy 33:36 Sc

Stephen 25:59
Cris A 28:54 Rx
Maniesha 20:26 1/2sc
Kyle 30:11 Sc/Pukie

Jerry said...

Aimee thank you for opening KoP to my co-workers today to participate in this memorial wod. We are very appreciative of this.

Paul and Stephanie thank you for the great job you two did coaching the noon class today. We had a great day!!

Jen "Smizzy" Smith said...

Thanks again for all your help today!