

Hang Snatch 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
10 Hang Power Snatch (65/95#)
10 Calories Row
:30 L-sit (accumulated)

Coaches Notes:
9 AM Saturday and Sunday classes will be held at the Lyons Den - 555 w. Beidler Rd, KoP.

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” 
– Oprah Winfrey


Colette said...

Sarah 60#, 3+10 35# bent knee box l-sit
Mary 75#, 3+3 55# bent knee
Jackie 115# power, 4 c2 bent knee box
Nick 65# power, 3+1 45# box l-sit
Erini 75# power, 3+7 55#

Colette said...

Megs 75,3+12 55#
Pam 100, 3+20+:20 rx
Gillian 30 power, 3+15 25# bent knee box
Erika 80 power,3+10+:20 rings 55#
Edwin 115 power,3+20+:20 65#
Shannon 105, 3+20 bent knee
Rakshit 115, 3+20 85# bent knee
Nat 95 power, 2+20+:15 rx
Baez 185, 3+20+:5 rx

Danielle Gambone said...

Jesse #115 hang P. Clean 3+13, HPC, knee tuck
Brian 165, 3+13, knee tuck
Selby 140, 3+5, knee tuck
Julia 115 sq. 3 knee tuck
subhan 125, 3+20,85
Lenore 85, 3, knee tuck
Alex 165, 3, knee tuck
Kaitlyn 115,3+20, 1/2 L sit 1/2 knee tuck

Taylor said...

Taylor 198 3+20 scale Lsit
Danielle 115 4+ 6 scale L sit
Freaky 85 3+ 10 rx

Ryan P 195 3 + 12 rx