
W.O.D. 3.27.15

The LAST and FINAL open WOD 15.5
27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row (calories)

 Men use 95 lb.
Women use 65 lb.

Click here to see more details about the workout

Community Notes:

Stronger Faster Healthier will be joining us tonight for sampling and we will be having our last and final celebration at "Friday Night Lights" from 4:30-7:30PM. Break out the beer pong tables!

“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”
-Deepak Chopra


CFKOP iPad said...

Kim g 14:20 45#
Nicole 16:20 31#
Mike s 19:56 sc

Jeff 12:45rx
Peter 10:24rx
Pedro 19:00sc
King 12:13rx

CFKOP iPad said...

John m 11:41 sc
Denise 11:44 65fs
Erika 14:08 33
Maddy 17:44 35#
Mike m 19:06 45#
Pam 10:19rx
Dianne 18:31 53#
Kevin 14:04 sc

Anonymous said...

Jackie 14:28 RX
Jessie 13:52 SC
Rich 17:40 SC
Jessica M. 13:34 SC
Scott R. 16:07 SC
Sheri 11:43 SC
Theresa 12:51 SC

Anonymous said...

Joe G. 10:39 MOD
Lauren G. 12:33 SC
Troy 14:26 SC
Shawn 15:02 RX

Paul S said...

Lisa 12:05
Payne 11:36
Lauren 14:07
Sarah W. 25:15
Samson 12:28
Flounder 14:20
Alejandra 15:48
Marci 17:53
Brian T. 12:17
Jen S. 13:38
Arieanne 15:22
Steve Z. 14:01
Steph C. 13:42
Fayth 14:44

Justin 17:03
Jill A. 13:18
Andrea 9:40
Jill C. 14:00
Josh B. 10:39
Britt 17:50
Joe C. 17:01
Rich A. 11:38
Ryan 10:22
Shawna 19:36
Keith 9:00
Derreck 14:36
Jason I. 16:11
Luis 15:44
Hiulia 16:50
Josh M. 12:32
Dana 15:25
Patrick P. 17:53
Faby 11:20
Ryan A. 15:37
Alona 14:44
Laura A. 13:24
Taryn 18:42
Michal 16:46
Matt E. 14:51

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 9:47 rx

Mark R said...

Mark r. 14:13 rx