
W.O.D. 5.9.14

5 Rounds of:

3 minute AMRAP:
5 Deadlifts (115/185)
10 Air Squats
5 Box Jumps (20/24")

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Record total rounds of the AMRAP completed. 

Community Notes:
All weekend Classes will be held at the Annex. 110 C. Meet and park at the Annex. There will be no CFKids class this Saturday, Regular schedule will resume next week.

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."
--Napoleon Hill


Unknown said...

The way we think has a huge impact on what we can do. Obviously you're not going to get that new 1RM standing over the bar thinking that you can't lift this thing. Change your brain, change your game!

Paul S said...

Rich 231 #135/Step
Joe G. 230 Step
Barb 303 Step
Susan 267 RX
Fran 317 #85/Step
Lizzie 351 #65/Step
Diane 383 Step
Dave 316 RX
Byrnsey 306 RX
Pam 358 RX
Bobby 237 #65

Anonymous said...

Steve T 215 80/Step20
Gina 407 97/Step
Zelda 216 75
Kim 270 115/Step

Pete 419Rx
JillA 305 Step
Sarah S 328 70/17"

Anne 315 83/13"
Alex 312 135
Liza 322 80
Arieanne 299 70/13"
Nick 302 135
Bre 336 SubKBS

Shawn 162 3Rrx
Regi 373 95
Roman 375 Rx
Josh 317 135
Stasie 70/17"Step

Paul S said...

Kirill 352 #165
Jason 301 #175
Jen S. 317 SC
Alona 314 RX
Sue K. 334 #55
Derreck 189 RX
Jessie 324 #83
Luke :-/
Marci 241 #65
Jason I. 301 #175