
W.O.D. 5.27.14

Front Squat plus Jerk

Record highest weight to Total WOD.

AMRAP of Burpees in 3 Minutes
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP of Burpees in 2 Minutes
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP of Burpees in 1 Minutes

Record total number of burpees to Total WOD.

Happy Birthday Jason:
 Thanks for devoting so much of what you do to our community at CFKoP and our family (in addition to the million other hats you wear)! Enjoy the burpee cash out!

“Self-trust is the essence of heroism”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


Unknown said...

Happy birthday Jason!

Unknown said...

It's not possible to give 100% of yourself all the time. Performing at 80-90% is more than enough. Just do the best you are capable of at that time. Also ask yourself "what can I do to go the extra mile?"

Jason Lyons said...

Don't forget my birthday buddy, Peter. It is his birthday today as well. If you don't get to 71 burpess in the cash out, you owe us! lol.

Tim P said...

Pete 175#/115 burps
King 175#/108
Rebecca 105#/93
Brian H 115#/71
Mark R 155#/78
Dianne L 93#/55

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jason!!!!

Paul S said...

Happy Birthday El Jefe

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to you as well Pistol Pete!

Jen S. said...

Happy Birthday Jason!!!! Hope you get to open and enjoy one of the "top shelf" wines from your collection!

Jen S. said...

And happy birthday Pete!

Unknown said...

Happy B-Day Jason & Pete!

Sarah said...

Happy birthday Jason and Pete

Mark C said...

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Mark C said...

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Shawna said...

Happy birthday Jason!

Unknown said...

6:30 Mobility

Jen F

Shout out to Brett on his first Mobility class!
Also wanted to give recognition to Brittany who did todays workout after Mobility class and absolutely CRUSHED the burpee cashout!!! Coincidence? I think not.
Also today was Kirill's first class, he also may be the most "Supple" athlete at KoP!

Anonymous said...


Pam 113, 77
Gavin 135, 94
Chris d 140, 61
Jill form, 61

Kathleen said...

Happy birthday Jason and Pete!

Jason Lyons said...

Nick: 115/81 (intensity on burpees was great)
Jenna: 73/77 (the jerk clicked and you nailed it)
Roman: 175/107 (the best air squat in kop)
Aim: 150/121 (acceleration UP)
Alex: 135/96 (Guess what, your back squat is not 135)
Jill: 120/83 (improving jerks each time)
Kate F: 73/81 (awesome intensity on burpees)

Keith: 275/97 (huge numbers come from great form)
Regi: 135/83 (awesome sauce girl, the beast is unleashed)
Liza: 80/74 (amazing speed on burpees and the jerk is improving)
Stasie: 75/52 (best squats I have ever seen you do)
Tim M: 225fs/122 (motivation is amazing)
Shauna: 75/63 (great squats and the jerk is getting there)
Josh: 145/95 (you had LOTS more in the tank)

Overall, a few things we could all work on. Lets get on the GHD with super vision and work on some back extensions. After that, do not be afraid to commit. The majority of failed lifts today were the results of a short step. Foot work is KEY....pratice, practice, practice...even without a bar.

Paul S said...

Rich 155/56
Mark C. 195/99
Lizzie Form/82
Fran 55/58
Barb 100
Jonathan 155
Christ 95/57
Kara 100/137sc
Luke 245/82

Matt B. 205/TC 7/94
Diane 155/TC 11/63

Brett M. 185/124
Rachel 145/75
Michal 85/77
Fayth 95/92
Anne 95/63
Steph C. 100/81
Brittany P. 95/146
Jacob 155/104
Chris 165/109

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Tim! Feels great to be back :-)