
W.O.D. 5.28.14

10 Rounds of:
1 Minute Rowing
Rest 15 seconds
30 Seconds Shoulder Press (65/95)
Rest 15 Seconds

Score is total calories/reps

“A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t”
-Jack Dempsey
(he held the World HeavyWeight Boxing title from 1919-1926 and was known for his incredible style of never giving up throughout the entire fight.)


Unknown said...

When we can silence the noise and learn to be in a relaxed state (most of the time) then life gets much easier, and more fun. Because it's at this point that we can start being present and in the moment, thats when the "stress" of life falls away!

Jason Lyons said...

Happy birthday to all of those unfortunate that were not born one day earlier.

Jason Lyons said...

Just a reminder that everyone should sign up for the King and Queen of Prussia this year. It is sure to be a fun packed day and the way the workouts are designed, there is definitely no clear favorite. It is historically an awesome day and it is free for all members. The more members that sign up, the more variable the leader board will become so definitely schedule it in your calendar for June 28th!

Anonymous said...

Chris d 394 95/65

Way to crush crush the row and improve shoulder press technique.

Keith B said...


Gina 142/69 211
Jill 124/100 224
Kim 117/63 180
King 203/69 272
John P 190/83 273
Michal 110/62 172
Pete 207/49 256

Kate K. said...

I finally figured out how to post!!!!!!!!
For the gymnastic wod, I recommend keg stands.

Aimee Lyons said...

welcome to the blog Kate! haha

Paul S said...

Lisa 199 #45
Alison K. 248 RX
Diane 199 RX
Susan 214 #45
Barb 198 #45
Allison B. 200 #33
Regi 187 #45
Fugo 220 #33
Kathleen 205 #35

Unknown said...


Ryan A 152/89= 241 RX
Cline 193/71= 264 65#
Conn 203/77= 280 65#
Marni 95# DNF
Jeff 196/60= 256 RX
Kirill 207/57= 264 RX


Sue 116/63= 179 45#
Steph C 123/69= 192 45#
Nick C 178/47= 225 RX

Excellent work tonight guys, way to push through and make every rep count!

Unknown said...

Also gang- please be more mindful and respectful of the members and coaches by putting away equipment when your done using it at the end of your workout. There were bands left on the pullup bars and the jerk boxes were not put away. Thank you

Jenna said...


John 181/59 240 (85#)
Patrick 191/91 282 RX
Jill 120/66 186 (55#)
Marci 112/80 (35#)


Ryan 161/49 2210 (75#)
Tim 154/70 224 (65#)
Rebecca 132/73 205 (35#)
Alona 139/63 202 (55#)
Dana 131/99 230 (35#)