
W.O.D. 5.7.14

For time:
20 reps Shoulder to Overhead @ 53/95#
20 reps Shoulder to Overhead @ 73/115#
20 reps Shoulder to Overhead @ 83/135#
20 reps Shoulder to Overhead @ 103/155#

(from the Masters of the Universe competition (slightly modified)

For time:
800 Meter Body weight sled pull

Community Notes:
Weekend classes will be held at the Annex. 110C. 

"Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything." 
--Napoleon Hill


Dave N. said...

Something tells me this WOD is gonna take slightly longer than 5 minutes...

Unknown said...

When you're doing the workout today pay attention the words you use in your head. Your "self-talk". The way you talk to yourself will defintely effect your performance, do it and see what happens!

Keith B said...


Michal 22:30 sc 22:25 Rx
Nick C 19:44 sc 10:25 Farmer's Carry
Pete 18:36 Rx 18:00 Rx
Zelda 14:31 form 22:45@120

Paul S said...

Diane 7:53 RX
Fugo 16:15 SC
Kathleen 8:30 SC
Alison K. 8:55 RX
Jackie 11:36 SC

Diane and Alison Crushing RX
Kathleen, Glad to see you back!
Jackie, Just pop already would you?
Fugo, Rest day tomorrow... Ja Feel?

Chris P. said...

Ryebread 4:22 Rx
JIll 9:40 sc / 22:27 Rx
Dave 14:59 Rx / 20:02 Rx
Travis 15:14 10# less each
Anne Br 14:00 sc / 11:54 80#
Kate F 14:11 sc / 14:30 85#
Bre 9:37 Rx / 18:49 140#

Patrick 8:47 sc up to 135# / 17:09 rx
Giuls 13:56 Rx / 22:03 Rx
Jason I 13:49 sc up to 135# / 20:02 Rx

Unknown said...


Darren 42:?? RX+
Cline 22:26 100# 55#-95# S2OH
Conn 39:18 205# Sled 95-115-135145#
John M 42:27 RX+ (2053 Sled)
Fayth/Anne 18:47 Form 190# partner sled pull
Derreck 34:37 RX (S2OH) Tire Pulls 135#... like

Great job tonight gang! I feel like tonight's WOD was as mentally taxing as it was physically grueling. I feel that all athletes scaled appropriately and hung in there to show support -love that! Big shout out to Anne and Fayth for coming to SPECIFICALLY work on form and had some creative ways of pulling the sled.
John M- Intense as always and I'm pretty sure I heard him call himself a wussy mid-workout!
Cline- great job on making some fine tuning mid workout with those hips
Conn- Excellent work and grinding it out!
Darren-Strong as an ox, you will do well here! Welcome to KoP brother!
Derreck- Pulled that dam tire all over the box for literally 20 mins! Absolute beast mode, proud of your grit my friend!

Unknown said...

7:30 PT Sess

Jess Ssss 18:48 53#, 63# for the remainder tire pulls 25#

Jess was about to leave when she found she was solo for class tonight! Crushed this workout and has some strong mechanics with S2OH!

Anonymous said...

Pam 12:35/18:05rx
Greg 12:00ladiesrx /16:35rx
Gavin 11:14ladiesrx/18:56rx

Jennifer Fugo said...

Yeah, ja feel. :-)