
W.O.D. 5.14.14

 Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

Post number of pull-ups completed for each round to Total WOD.

Somewhere behind the athlete you've become and the hours of practice and the coaches who have pushed you is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back... play for her. 
- Mia Hamm


Unknown said...

Did you know that your thoughts effect your physical body? If you tink thoughts of weakness and inferiority then that's what will show up in your workouts. BUT if you think positive re-affirming thoughts on 1RM deadlift day then that will absolutely create srength in you.

Jason Lyons said...

Todd: 90
King: 37 pull, 102 push
Becca: 56
Gina: 26
Nick: 96

Todd: Great sets throughout
King: Proud that you switched it up to avoid injury
Becca: AWESOME gymnasts kip, great WOD
Gina: PRs set every round!
Nick: Well done but hang on that bar, you had more every round.

To test mental fortitude, the class tried to do 250 consecutive situps and nearly all were successful. Best comment of the day was, "I thought I needed to stop at 80" but that person went on to get 250...the mind is a powerful entity...make sure it is working with you, not against you.

Unknown said...

Yes! Jason Lyons you GET IT!

Cline said...

I just tried to think my left pinky toe away. Pretty sure I felt it twitch, but it's definitely still there. I'll try again at lunch.

Anonymous said...

Pam 53 rr
Bobby :)

Chris P. said...

Although the 4:30 and 5:30 were TWICE as excited to do sit ups, they didn't feel like doing 500 situps, so we did tabata sit ups with cumulative reps

score: Nicole reps/tabata reps

Alex 92/77
Kate F 50 band/101
Anne Br 36 band/82
Sharon 27 band/80

Kirill 122/85
Jen So 80 band/96
Alona 87 band/108
Tim H 40 rr/68
Kelsey 59 band/95
Rebecca 95 band/75
Samson 102/81
Shawna 75 band/82
Giuls 67/95
Patrick 80/93
Tim McC 108/79

Samson said...

Props to Kirill, he absolutely crushed this.

Unknown said...


Ryan A 95 Bnd
Cline 122 band
Marni 111 Ring Rows
Jeff A 58 bnd
Jeff B 60 RX
Jacob 82 RX 1st Class!!!
Conn 63 RX

Lots of new faces!
Welcome back Marni!
Welcome Jacob from CrossFit Explode!
We now have 2 Jeffs - Jeff A & Jeff B
Apparently KoP is collecting Jeffs!


Steph C/ Luxy 99 bnd
Jess Ssss 98 bnd
Sue 53 bnd

Excellent work tonight ladies of the 7:30!
Props to Aimee Lyons whose uncanny forecasting skills have been spot on with the weather recently and programming running WODs

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 64
Keith 79

Paul S said...

Sorry 9:30. Picture got deleted. Nobody else happened to catch scores when they took pics.
Lauren G. 100 Band
Travis 70 RX

Post if you remember.