
W.O.D. 5.30.14

Turkish Get Up
3-2-1 (right/left) 

(post heaviest load to Total WOD)

3 Rounds for time of:
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
25 Kettlebell swings (35/55#)
Run 400 meters

(post time to Total WOD)

Community Notes:
CrossFit Harmony is hosting a Girls on Girls competition this weekend, come to out cheer on some incredible ladies from around the tri-state area! Kop'ers representing are Jill C, Tracy, Andrea, Aimee and Cate.

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
-Maya Angelou


Unknown said...

Ask yourself what is it that I desire? Then ask yourself who do I have to become to get it? This may sound a bit shallow, but it is actually quite the oppostie. What I mean is that to get where you want to go, you have to develop yourself into the person who is already there. Get it? This may take a life time, but in my mind if you spend a lifetime dedicated to sefl-improvement than you have lead a life of continuous success!

Aimee Lyons said...

Mike S 35#/18:20 (45#)
Steve Z 9#/16:31 (row/RR)
Ellie 26#/18:24 band
Kim G 30# 18:17 (band)
Nick C 70# 18:07 pullups
Rachael 40#/16:35 band

Mike - high bar for pullups from now now and hang on with active shoulders
Steve - congrats on the TGU success
Ellie - Almost off the band for PU, great job!
Kim- nice consistency, now keep the heels down on the KBS
Nick - great job on the 70 TGU
Rachael - improvement and success on the pullups now to work without the band!

Miranda said...

King 65#/12:36 rx
Mark R 55#/12:35 scale
Sarah 18#/11:51 scale

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Mike S said...

For the record, I also scaled CTB; most of the reps were pullups.

Paul S said...

Kara 26, 11:50 sc
Christ 26, 14:10 sc
Diane 50
Rich 100 SU, 16:35 sc
Nick Z. 50, 10:36 sc
Joe G. 90 SU, 16:35 sc
Fran 50 SU, 12:02 sc
Lizzie 35, 14:33 sc
Fugo 20, 11:50 sc
Jonathan 100 SU, 12:41 sc

Unknown said...

5:30 Mobility

Leslie C

Paul S said...

Nolan 35R/30L, 13:00 sc
Alex 30, 13:54 #45
Joy 30, 14:08
Taryn 35
Kirill 45, 11:24 rx
Shawna Form, 17:35
Jen S. 18, 12:33 sc
Alona 44, 16:00 sc
Dana 35R/26L 14:26
Tim H. 60R/45L 17:04
Ryan S. 45, 15:34 RX

Anonymous said...

Giulia 35, 14:49 rx
Patrick 65, 16:07 rx
Jess S 35, 13:46 26/bnd
Tim m 55 (70r), 16:03 deficit rr, 70 Russian, weight vest