


30 Snatches for time (95/135#)

Athletes Choice:
You can power snatch or do a full squat.

"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell."


Jen S. said...

6 am:

Erika 4:25/ 65#
Gina 3:48/ 65#
Jen K 5:18/45#
T.T. 6:12 95#

Great job everyone!

Danny said...

I was just thinking today how I miss running past frosty falls....next to the Schuylkill River. Hope everyone is doing well and good luck to everyone at King and Queen.

Megs said...

Happy Birthday Jna!!!!! Hope you have a great day full of all your favorite things!

Aimee Lyons said...

HI there Danny!!! Reminiscing on the smells of the Schuykill and the flies in your teeth...nothing better! Miss you dude!

JNA and Ryan S--Happy Birthday!

Only 4 people at the 6AM??? What happened, where were you all?

Anonymous said...

Rachael 4:84 53#
Jen S 3:02 75#
Pam 3:20 53#

Nice job ladies maintaining a great balance of form and intensity!!

Jen S. said...

Chip 1:35 75#
Jill 5:38 35#
Fran 2:38 20#
Joy 1:29 55# (1/2 reps)
Beth 2:24 35#
Dave 2:45 55#
Taryn 3:00 53#
Fayth 4:50 55#
Anne 6:58 35#
Manisha 3:55 25#
Arianne 5:03 25#
Allison 3:28 25#
Stephanie 3:24 25#
Sue 3:10 35#

Jen S. said...

John 4:50 83#
Tom 5:31 75# - 1st time snatching!
WW 6:30 73#
Becky 2:58 63#
Roman 5:50 95#

Jen S. said...

Tim H 4:21 75#
Samson 5:41 95#
Jill 5:37 45#
Sandeep 6:27 55#
Luke 3:50 75#
Nora 4:17 55#
Laura P 7:18 squat snatch

Jen S. said...

Bree 3:57 65#
Mike C 4:10 55#
Derrick 4:07 rx
Johnny 5:13 115#
Greg 6:04 85# - 1st time snatcher!
Conn 4:51 95#
Stacy 5:16 55#
Stasie 3:57 45#
Jackie 3:27 75#
Kate C 3:23 rx
Sarah 3:10 55#
Vinny skill
Matt B 6:03 rx

Jen S. said...

Brett 3:31 115#
Jody skill
Bridget 3:30 45#
Seshu 3:57 65#