

CrossFit Total
1 RM on Back Squat, Press, Deadlift
Total weight for all three lifts is the score.

Click here to read the Journal article regarding CrossFit Total.
Click here to read the basic strength standards for men and women.

Community Notes:
All weekend classes (8/31 and 9/1) including Sunday's Open Gym from 11-1:00 PM will be held at the Annex this weekend. 

On Labor Day, Monday 9/2, CrossFit KoP will be open for a 10:00 and 11:00AM Class and 12:00 Barbell Club.  This will count as a regular class for members, Friends and Family are welcome.

 "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." 
- David Brinkley


Paul S said...

Keith B said...

Has benchmark week commenced?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

Mike T. said...
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Mike T. said...

Klutch 305-145-365=815
Dinger 195pr-95-215=505
Tracy 125pr-65pr-200pr=390

Exciting class at 6am today. Tracy hit it hard and showed the boys how its done. PR on all three lifts including a huge 20#PR on her dead!!

Will we see a 1000# Total today.......?

Mike P said...

My $$$ is on Ryan, Gene, Paul and Keith.

Paul S said...

Chip went ape shit today, broke 1,000 easy.

Mike P said...

Forgot about Chip - always the quiet ones.

Way to go.

Chip said...

Haha Mike you gave me extra motivation to break 1000. Thanks!

Paul S said...

Chip 365PR-165-480PR=1005PR
Aimee 200-102.5-265=567.5
Susan 155-75-180=410
Kara 133-78-163=374
Christ 128-88-205=455PR
Tobin 305PR-165-410PR=880PR
Bre 165-85-205=455PR
Fran 85-45-123PR=253
Jocelyn FORM
David 165-85-165=425
Rich 165-105-165=435
Barb 135PR-92.5PR-220PR=447.5
Beth 115PR-75PR-147.5PR=337.5PR
Jonathan 300PR-165-305PR=770PR
Diane 300-105-265=670
Eileen 75-45-93=213
Sue 120-70-165=355

Aimee Lyons said...

Keith- you may see a few ladies...but not an official "benchmark week" look for that again in October!


We are going to launch a nutrition challenge for September...stay posted!

Sarah J. said...

Shauna 105-45-155=305
Jill 155-53-195=405
Stacy H. 165-85-245=495
Oleg 275PR-155-345=775
Keith 405-165-505PR=1075
Mike C. 245PR-125-325PR=695
Denise 175-85-235=495
LP 145-85-245PR=475
Kevin 225-125-325=675

Miranda said...


Crap, I accidentally deleted the picture I took from this am.
Cline, Mark C. King and Pete if you remember your numbers please post them to the blog. Sorry guys:(

Keith B said...


Kate C 205/105pr/305=615PR
Gavin 185pr/110pr/255pr=550pr
Melissa 125pr/60pr/175=360
Shannon 175pr/70pr/215pr=460
Kelly G 165pr/75pr/185pr=425
Stephanie C 105/65pr/185pr=355
Johnny 315/175/335=825
Matt B 275pr/165/365pr=805
Borden 325/140/395=860
Conn 255/170/400=825
Matt G 315/165/365pr=845
Colin 165ROM/135/255=555
Dave N 255pr/125/325pr=705
Erika 145/85/205pr=425

Big numbers and a lot of PRs tonight!!! Great work all around. I have to shout out to Borden and Conn!!! Both looked great during their squats, ass to grass and knees out while keeping the chest tall. They must be doing their wall squats!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Um in case you didn't notice...Diane hit 300# on her squat today!!!

Cline said...

Good job, Christ.

My #s were 575 (BS = 205; SP = 105; DL = 265).

Since I'm almost starting over from scratch, hell, let's call them all PRs.

Jen S. said...

Justin R 265 (box)/145/325 = 735
Kyle 255/105/315 = 675
Bri 145/75/155 = 375