

For time:
95/135 lb Squat clean, 10 reps
30 GHD Sit-ups
95/135 lb Squat clean, 8 reps
  25 GHD Sit-ups
95/135 lb Squat clean, 6 reps
20 GHD Sit-ups
95/135 lb Squat clean, 4 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
95/135 lb Squat clean, 2 reps
10 GHD Sit-ups

"We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give."
- Winston Churchill


Anonymous said...

Klutch 7:54 SU
Rebecca 11:39 75/SU&GHD
Brian H 12:14 65/SU
Nora 9:38 55/SU
Ellie 11:29 SU
Mike S 14:12 95/SU&GHD
Kim G 10:10 PWR/SU
Megs 12:35 Rx
Erika 11:41 62.5

Lauren M 14:38 75/SU&GHD
Alex 11:38 95
Peter 9:23 Rx
Seshu 12:01 75/GHDROM

Jen S. said...

heather 10:12 ROMGHD
Dave 14:51 Rx

3:30 Girls Club
T 11:48 65hng/SU
&A 11:35 35hng/ROMGHD & SU
Rachael 9:08 65/SU
Jesss8:30 55/SU
Tracy 13:35 65

And from the 6am (why do I always forget your name??)
Kathleen 14:00 75rom/KBS

Jen S. said...


Paul S said...

Manisha 12:27 SC
Dee 9:19 #95/SU
Balmer 10:29 RX
Aimee 11:03 RX
Beth 11:40 #35/SU
Barb 10:55 #55
Rich 11:51 #90/SU
Susan 9:57 #85/SU
Eileen 11:31 #27
Sue 10:10 #45/AM
Steph C. 7:57 #45/SU
David C. 10:42 #75/SU
Alison K. 10:38 #75
Thor 13:12 #95/SU
Joe C. 12:08 #135/GHD 1/2
Anne B. 14:57 #35/SU
Kevin 10:38 RX/GHD 1/2
Sara 14:24 SubKBS
Agam 9:32 #95/SU
Mike P. 8:40 RX
Regi 10:12 #55/SU
Becky 14:27 #75/Hang Ups
Payne 10:42 #105/GHD 1/2
Ryan 7:24 #185/SU
Vinny 8:36 RX
Sandeep 9:41 #65
Oleg 11:47 SU
Borden 11:19 SU
Kwon 12:59 RX
Caruso 8:51 #95/SU
Brian E. 12:04 #105/SU
Jill 7:43 #55/SU
GJ 15:40 #95/SU
Orlando #95/SU
Shawna 11:47 #45/SU