

Shoulder Press

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
5 Shoulder press @ 70% 1RM
10 Toes to Bar

Community Notes:
This weekend on both Saturday (8/17) and Sunday (8/18) all classes will be held at the Annex (110 C).  There will be no CrossFit Kids "cubs" class on Saturday at 10AM.  

"Strive for progress, not perfection."


Mike T. said...

King 155#PR 6+2 rep Rx
Erika 70# 3+12 rep Rx
Rebecca 63# 4+4 rep Rom
Gina 75# 4+3 rep Rom

Miranda said...

Peter 120#/ 5+4 DB @ 45#
Nick 135# 5+9 DB @ 45#

Happy Monday!

Paul S said...

Mark C 125# 5+6
Joe G. 145# 6
Christ 75# 6+6
Susan 75# 4+14
Diane 105# 5+5
Beth 73# 5+6
Steph C. 55# 6
Sue L. 70# 6
Jonathan 165# 8+5
Aimee 100# 4+8
Eileen 55# 5+5
Dianne 73#
David C. Form 6
Taryn 87# 6
Perry Form 6
Kara 65# 6+9

Anonymous said...

Tim Mc 155, 5+14 Rx
Bridget 68 6 sc
Natalia 63 6 sc

Aimee Lyons said...

Klokov 185, 5
Justin H 165, 5
Stacy H 90, 4 scale
Fab 165, 4
Sharon 102.5, 4

Sarah J. said...


Agam 100/6 Rom
Sandeep 75/3 Rom
Shawna 50/3 Rom
Tara 72/3 Rom
Shawn 165/4
Nora 65/4 Rom
Jill 55/ 5 Rom
Lizzie 60/5 Rom

sharon said...

I actually scaled the workout. For some unknown reason I only did 7 TTB/round and not 10.

Keith B said...


Mike C 125 4.5 ROM
Johnny 175 5.9 Rx
Derreck 185 4.5 Rx
Brett 145 5.5 ROM
Shannon 70 5.5 ROM
Bre 85PR 4.5 Rx
Conn 165 5 scale
Borden 4.6 ROM
George 95 5 ROM
Oleg 155 4.5 Rx
Mark B 135 5 Rx
Lindsey P 75 5 ROM
Dave 115 4.11 Rx
Matt(drop-in) 180 6Rx