

For time:
Push Press (95#/135#)
Ring Dips

Complete 10 Push Press followed by 1 Ring Dip, 9 Push Press, followed by 2 Ring Dips...leading up to your last set which will consist of 1 Push Press followed by 10 Ring Dips.

"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."
-Ben Franklin


Pete W said...

TY to coach Steph - it may not seem like we appreciate hearing ROM isn't being met mid-WOD, but in the long run, I definitely do appreciate the feedback, just lets me know that there's something that I need to work on that I had been overlooking!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pete, it actually means a lot to hear you say that. It's certainly one of my least favorite parts of coaching,having to tell someone they aren't quite meeting a standard they think that they are. Despite it being not my favorite, I believe it is one of the most important things I do as a coach, and what sets CFKOP a part from so many other boxes. The truth is what the coach sees is often different than what people think they are doing. So many times I have shown people video after class of themselves, and they are shocked what they actually look like. I find this to be true of myself all the time. I want people to tell me what i do wrong, so I can be better. It's important for me to extend you the same favor, and hope that you always know its in service of you.

Anonymous said...

megs :-)
King 16:46 rx
Jack 19:43 63/Bnd
KimG 20:55 85/bnd
Lam 18:39 95/bnd
Derreck 22:30 ROM
Mike S. 24:20 95/bnd
JK 13:46 45/Bnd
Ellie 17:53 75/Bnd
Klutch 18:21 Rx
Nora 19:30 53/stand

Nick T 12:36 95/stand
Chip 17:21 Rx
Peter 14:49 115/rom
lauren 13:30 75/bnd
alison k 17:11 bnd
Oleg 16:12 Rx
Mark C 21:31

Anonymous said...

Plentus 6:52 115#
Rinat 15:42 115#/ROM
Travis 21:39 115#/bnd
Riley 10:42 45Jrks/Paralettes

Keith B said...


Beth O 11:04 15 box dips
Chris T 11:35 63 band
Susan 11:26 55 band
Taylor 12:40 53/33 Paralette
Joe 15:57 73 band
Allison 13:12 55 band
Barb9:54 65 band
Kara12:58 63 band


Andrew 13:44 75 band
Patrick P 11:56 115
Johnny 12:38 Rx
Tim O :)
Luke 17:54 95
Nick C 12:58 115


Seshu 8:24 45 paralette
CC 11:39 53 band
Jaime 10:23 55 band
Shannon 10:23 55 band
Bridget 11:05 55 band
Ryan S 22:45 85
Bill 13:40 115
Matty B 14:55 115
Stephanie C 12:01 45 band
Pablo 12:35 63 paralette
Greg 19:17 95 ROM
Jen S 11:50 53