

Double Unders
Sit ups

Floor Press
(compare to 9.18.12)
What is a Floor Press: 
It's just a bench press from the floor. We will do it narrow gripped, with your elbows by your sides to mimic the pressing position of the push-up and ultimately the handstand push-up.
The Floor Press is essentially a Bench Press minus the actual bench.  At the bottom of each rep, there will be a momentary pause before locking the bar out over the chest. The pause at the bottom of a Floor Press does two things; firstly it removes the stretch reflex normally present in Bench Pressing. This will produce a similar training effect as seen in Box Squats where the pause at the bottom forces your muscles to move the weight without the benefit of an elastic rebound.  Secondly, a slow and controlled Floor Press will protect your wrists and upper arms. That's also pretty important...

"Neither woman nor man lives by work, or love, alone...The human self defines itself and grows through love and work; All psychology before and after Frued boils down to that."
-Betty Friedan

Byrnsey 6:58 RX/235
Mark 9:34SU/165
Diane 12:20DUA/115
Lisa 12:28SU/85
Christine 11:52DUA/75
Rinat 6:45RX/165
Kara 12:01DUA/65
Stacy 11:29RX/95
Jonathan 10:32RX/205
Amandaa 13:03RX/75
Alona 12:04(Att), 90#Floor Press
Ellie 8:05, 75#
Wax 12:17, 205#
Gina 10:03, 95#
Rebecca 6:52, 75#
Jen K 10:49(att), 70#
Peter W 6:07, 175#
King 7:09, 175#
Kristin T 6:50, 115#
Justin R 8:34, 155#
Cate 6:51 Rx/135
Geoff 7:13 Rx/205
Sharon 13:10 Rx/145
Plentus 5:33RX
Fab 10:39RX
Bridget 8:15 SU/75
WW 9:09 RXish/175
Rob PH 14:22RX/215
Derreck 12:54/235
Lauren 12:23 dua/95
Shannon 11:53 su/60
Faby 5:57 Rx/185
Jackie 12:59su/110
Denise 8:27Rx/85
Sam B 5:54Rx/185
Matt W 14:20su/225
Kate K 7:19Rx/110
Matt G 14:15dua/195
Anne 12:31su/60
Matt B 11:53dua/195
Jaime 12:42su/60
Linda 11:29su/75
Lindsey 12:16su/75
Dan M 7:50Rx/165
Albert 7:27su/215
Kathy 15:30su/50
Leslie 11:30su/105
Megs 5:57 Rx/83
Dan L 6:18 Rx/?
Alison 6:52 Rx/155
Jen S 7:57 row/120
Peterson 7:47 Rx/165
Andrew Y 9:40/?
Kate C 7:53 Rx/120
Smizzy 11:00 su/88
Travis 11:27 Rx/155
Jason H 10:46 su/165
Nick A 12:35 su/195
Luke 16:18 Rx/185
Jim C 11:08 Rx/165
Tim H 13:20 su/165
Chris A 12:46 su/185


TP said...


Alona 12:04(Att), 90#Floor Press
Ellie 8:05, 75#
Wax 12:17, 205#
Gina 10:03, 95#
Rebecca 6:52, 75#
Jen K 10:49(att), 70#
Peter W 6:07, 175#
King 7:09, 175#
Kristin T 6:50, 115#
Justin R 8:34, 155#

Tim P said...

thats a cool little dude, congrats John ad Kim.

Paul S said...


Byrnsey 6:58 RX/235
Mark 9:34SU/165
Diane 12:20DUA/115
Lisa 12:28SU/85
Christine 11:52DUA/75
Rinat 6:45RX/165
Kara 12:01DUA/65
Stacy 11:29RX/95
Jonathan 10:32RX/205
Amandaa 13:03RX/75

Paul S said...


Plentus 5:33RX
Fab 10:39RX
Bridget 8:15 SU/75
WW 9:09 RXish/175
Rob PH 14:22RX/215

Good job tonight Rob PH, Way to finish.

Keith B said...


Derreck 12:54/235
Lauren 12:23 dua/95
Shannon 11:53 su/60
Faby 5:57 Rx/185
Jackie 12:59su/110
Denise 8:27Rx/85
Sam B 5:54Rx/185
Matt W 14:20su/225
Kate K 7:19Rx/110
Matt G 14:15dua/195
Anne 12:31su/60
Matt B 11:53dua/195
Jaime 12:42su/60


Linda 11:29su/75
Lindsey 12:16su/75
Dan M 7:50Rx/165
Albert 7:27su/215
Kathy 15:30su/50
Leslie 11:30su/105

Chris P. said...

Megs 5:57 Rx/83
Dan L 6:18 Rx/?
Alison 6:52 Rx/155
Jen S 7:57 row/120
Peterson 7:47 Rx/165
Andrew Y 9:40/?
Kate C 7:53 Rx/120
Smizzy 11:00 su/88
Travis 11:27 Rx/155
Jason H 10:46 su/165
Nick A 12:35 su/195
Luke 16:18 Rx/185
Jim C 11:08 Rx/165
Tim H 13:20 su/165
Chris A 12:46 su/185

class got to choose their own destiny for the warmup and cash out. I think you lucked out.