

Welcome to John- a new resident nooner!

Clean and Jerk

Cash out:
3 Clean and Jerks on the minute for 7 Minutes at 75% of your 1RM.

"Do not believe in something solely because someone has told you so, or tradition has it, or because many others do it. Test for yourself, experience for yourself."
-Kalama Sutta

Ellie 105
Gina 105
Wong 185
King 195
Gary 215
Erika 115
Byrnsey 205
Christ 98
Kara 103PR
Coxhead 275PR
Amanda 115
John W. 155
Sharon 125
Keith 245
Mrs. Peterson 98 PPPR
Mike P 170 PR
Lam form
Andrew 155
Jason H 130
Brett 145
Maura 110
Taylor 40 form
Diane 135
Tim O 175
Smizzy 80
Jason 230
Nick A 95
Karen 65
Ryan 310
Regi 85
LP 130
Justin R 215
Kate C 145
Jack 145
Joe C 185
Bridget 65
Peterbutt 205
Matt B 185
Matt W 155
Dee 115
Jackie 120 PR
Stasie 85
Kyle W 115
Kate K 145 PR
Jess C 133 PR
Big All 225
Anne B 80
Fayth 95
Linda 80
Shannon 90
Jaime 85
Al V 225


Tim P said...


Ellie 105
Gina 105
Wong 185
King 195

Paul S said...


Gary 215
Erika 115
Byrnsey 205
Christ 98
Kara 103PR
Coxhead 275PR
Amanda 115

Anonymous said...

You would think he could clean and jerk more than that. But then again I guess walking on water is more of a specialization in gymnastics.

Chris P. said...

5:30 Cleaners and Jerkers

Mrs. Peterson 98 PPPR
Mike P 170 PR
Lam form
Andrew 155
Jason H 130
Brett 145
Maura 110
Taylor 40 form
Diane 135
Tim O 175
Smizzy 80

In case you're wondering (and I know you are) PPPR is postpartum PR

Peterson said...

I forgot to note that 205 is a 20# PR. First actual progress since I've been working at this pregnancy weight.

Anonymous said...

6:30 & 7:30 scores?

Keith B said...

6:30 & 7:30

Matt B 185
Matt W 155
Dee 115
Jackie 120 PR
Stasie 85
Kyle W 115
Kate K 145 PR
Jess C 133 PR
Big All 225
Anne B 80
Fayth 95
Linda 80
Shannon 90
Jaime 85
Al V 225