
W.O.D. 1.6.12

A double under blurrrrr

the contemplation of the Deadlift

Welcome to Matt G!


3 Rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts (185/275#)

What Malcolm Gladwell has to do with Olympic Lifting by C. Plentus

"Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong."
-Ella Fitzgerald

Alexis 125#, 8:34(75#/SU)
Peter Form, 11:09 (95#/SU)
Drew 305# PR, 11:07 (185#/SU)
Mike P. 340# PR, 11:20 (DUA)
Jen S. 200# PR, 9:17 RX
Cindy 105#, 7:08 (55#/25StepUps)
Jeff 275# PR, 10:15 (185#)
Manny 170# PR, 8:37 (125#/SU)
Lam 185#, 6:59 (185#)
Becca 135#, 7:59 (95#,DUA)
Pat 245 PR, 14:03 (165#)
Rebecca S. 185#, 10:28 (135#)
Mike S. 175#, 10:50 (135#/SU)
Gina 135#, 9:52 (?#/DUA)
Susan 175, 7:25 @ 145
Jonathan, form :) @ 95
Mark C 165, 9:44 @ 125 20DUA
Kara 173, 9:52 @ 135
Chris T 125, 9:57 @115
Ciera 195, 11:53 @155 25DUA
Sharon 185, 12:20 @95
Dan G. 305, 8:14 @ 185
Keith 275, 4:01 @ 185
Kevin B. 275, 8:10 @ 185
Matt G 175, 11:12 @ 135/115/100SU
Jess C 175, 12:20 @ 135
Mark B 230, 7:12 @ 185
Andrea 105, 4:50 @ 65 (50SU)
Tamas 315, 9:50 @ 225
Laura 185#, 3:47 (135#)
Jackie+1 133#, 7:12 (83#/Row)
Brian 265#, ouchie
Olan 325#, 10:29 RX
Brianna 85#, 7:10 (75#/SU)
Plentus 355#, 6:20 RX+ 315#
KSB 165#, 8:35 (95#?)
Travis 305#, 7:59 (225#SU)
Joe 255#, 8:05 (165#/DUA)
JB 235#, 7:53 (100SU/185#)
Luke 65 (form)/11:45
J.Na: 175/14:44
Flounder: 275/12:15
Sandy 145 PR / 7:55 @125
Steph V: 295 PR/ 12:19
Nathan 55 (form) / 5:40
JZ 265 / 5:57 @185
Denise 195 / 11:03
Jerry 295 (form) / 8:43
Rachel 113/ 11:11
Jay E: 425/14:36
Diego 255/ 10:25
Borden 315/ 9:33
Sam B 135 (form) / ???
Stasie: 133/9:20 @103
Becky 175/ 11:42
Miranda: 205/ 7:21
Giovanni 315 (PR)/ 10:36 @215
Faby: 255/ 9:11 @215
Krista 133 / 12:18
Shoeless 355/ 13:29
Randy 255/10:20 @155
Nick 175 / 11:34
Charles 225/7:08 @155


Chris P. said...

I have a pair of Merrell Barefoot Trail Gloves (black and red) in size 11. They were used once, but really they are in perfect condition. Retail is $110, $70 to first person to email me at chris@crossfitkop.com

link to shoes: http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11158348&010=9436561&cid=CSE:&cid=CSE:GooglePlusbox&003=3933188

donkey said...

Squeeeeee, it's deadlift day, kids. Get ready :)

Aimee Lyons said...

quick reminder, if you signed up for eggs, Dianne picked them up last week and they are at the box in the fridge, if you don't pick them up by Friday, I'll buy the remainder (so they don't go bad) and use them for the L1 Trainer Course this weekend...


Unknown said...

You can have mine, I'll be in Europe until Thursday the 12th.


Laura Pappas said...

Hey guys today is the last day before the No Sugar Detox Challenge which starts on Saturday Jan 7th! Prizes will be awarded to the top person: CASH and a KoP T-Shirt of your choice! Sign up here: http://www.laurapappashealth.com/programs/post-holiday-sugar-detox-challenge/

Anonymous said...

The 6am B.A.C.

Alexis 125#, 8:34(75#/SU)
Peter Form, 11:09 (95#/SU)
Drew 305# PR, 11:07 (185#/SU)
Mike P. 340# PR, 11:20 (DUA)
Jen S. 200# PR, 9:17 RX
Cindy 105#, 7:08 (55#/25StepUps)
Jeff 275# PR, 10:15 (185#)
Manny 170# PR, 8:37 (125#/SU)
Lam 185#, 6:59 (185#)
Becca 135#, 7:59 (95#,DUA)
Pat 245 PR, 14:03 (165#)
Rebecca S. 185#, 10:28 (135#)
Mike S. 175#, 10:50 (135#/SU)
Gina 135#, 9:52 (?#/DUA)

A nice big start to deadlift day, lots of PRs and form improvement. WELCOME TO CROSSFIT Peter! Outstanding encouragement among the class- you all could be running to work or the showers but you took the time to help everyone finish- thats what community is all about!

Anonymous said...

4:30p Zen Lifters

Laura 185#, 3:47 (135#)
Jackie+1 133#, 7:12 (83#/Row)
Brian 265#, ouchie
Olan 325#, 10:29 RX
Brianna 85#, 7:10 (75#/SU)
Plentus 355#, 6:20 RX+ 315#
KSB 165#, 8:35 (95#?)
Travis 305#, 7:59 (225#SU)
Joe 255#, 8:05 (165#/DUA)
JB 235#, 7:53 (100SU/185#)

Big fight for those heavy deads, good stuff! Welcome back to the box Brianna!

donkey said...


Luke 65 (form)/11:45
J.Na: 175/14:44
Flounder: 275/12:15
Sandy 145 PR / 7:55 @125
Steph V: 295 PR/ 12:19
Nathan 55 (form) / 5:40
JZ 265 / 5:57 @185
Denise 195 / 11:03
Jerry 295 (form) / 8:43
Rachel 113/ 11:11


Jay E: 425/14:36
Diego 255/ 10:25
Borden 315/ 9:33
Sam B 135 (form) / ???
Stasie: 133/9:20 @103
Becky 175/ 11:42
Miranda: 205/ 7:21
Giovanni 315 (PR)/ 10:36 @215
Faby: 255/ 9:11 @215
Krista 133 / 12:18
Shoeless 355/ 13:29
Randy 255/10:20 @155
Nick 175 / 11:34
Charles 225/7:08 @155

Exceptional work at focusing on form and tackling the infamous stripper deadlift. I applaud you for dropping weights when necessary to maintain the right form...I promise you, your numbers will go up if you focus on the pristine form. Count on it.

Shoeless said...

Oops, I forgot to write that I did single unders