
W.O.D. 1.11.12

Freddy's Revenge

5 Rounds for time of:
5 Push Jerk (125/185#)
10 Burpees

(compare to 1.18.11)

"If you have nothing else to do, look about you and see if there isn't something close at hand that you can improve! It may make you wealthy, though it is more likely that it will make you happy."
- George Matthew Adams

Nina 8:49
Tony 8:40
Aimee 8:50
Cate 8:50/7:52
Jay E 7:08
Michael from SC: 8:02
Kurt: 8:53
Chris S: 7:54
Danny: 5:13

Drew 10:14 (115#)
Mike S 11:57 (80#)
Manny 10:04 (83#)
Rachel 10:20 (73#)
Elyse 10:45 (85#)
Matt D 8:35 (95#)
Roni 8:50 (25#)
Jeff 11:06 (135#)
Cindy 10:36 (45#)
Kristin T 8:12 (105#)
Rebecca S 10:18 (75#)
Jim K 6:45 (105#)
Jon K 7:40 (95#)
Tidmore 6:44 (125#)
Heather 9:09 (45#)
Alexis 9:46 (50#)
Nicole S 9:42 (95#)
Andrea 12:22 (35)
Anja 9:16 (35)
Keith DNF
Kevin B 11:54 (165/155)
Susan 8:35 (85/75)
Conn 8:39 @ 135
Borden 8:39@123
JNa 8:20 @65
Akeem 8:52 @85
Schell 8:12@135
Charles 11:22 @90
Randy 11:30 @105
Diego 7:37 @95
Alison 8:30 @95
TimM 5:35 @115
Danielle H 7:47 @68
Dawn F 10:08 @63
Faby 6:04 @115
Conner 7:59 @155
Kathryn 9:28 @63
Krista 9:23 @55
Donkey 10:24 @95
Justin 11:35 @145
Nick 12:03 @145
Jess S 11:39 @65
Rob Ph: 7:49 @ 165
Brian R: 6:40 @135
Breanna: 7:21 @53 Push Press
Gina: 6:48 @53
Dorothy: 10:37 @95
Jackie 5:53@ 55/squats
Matt G: 11:57 @115
Amanda: 6:22 @ 45#
Becca: 8:16 @ 55
Kate K: 6:18 @65
Jen S: 7:49 @105
Shawn: 7:08 @ 135
Lam: 9:54 @115
Josh: 7:58 @135
Joe P: 8:28 @ 105
Steve: 8:59 @65
Patrick: 6:56 @ 135
Lizzie: 7:39 @45
Miranda 9:38 @100
Denise 7:51 @75
Dianne: 9:42 @53
Shoeless: 9:46 @145
Flounder: 10:38 @115
Megs: 6:46 @90
Travis: 8:48 @125
Kate Fin: 9:20 @65


Timmy said...

We've done this last year, and I think it's one of the deceivingly hardest workouts in the history of the world. There are quite a few videos on the interweb of it too if you want to google it up for a preview.

Chris P. said...

that was about a year ago? wow.

I posted this last time, but:
Freddy Camacho is one of the CF originals. This WOD was designed with his strengths in mind. Ironically, when they first did it, a bunch of other dudes beat him because of raw power and efficient mechanics.


Chris P. said...

Danny, you gotta beat your 6:50 time from last

Danny said...
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Danny said...

I will do my best Coach P!

donkey said...

I remember a video of P.Lentus doing this one...or am I confusing it with something else?

Vinny said...

6:00am Results

Drew 10:14 (115#)
Mike S 11:57 (80#)
Manny 10:04 (83#)
Nina 8:49 RX
Rachel 10:20 (73#)
Elyse 10:45 (85#)
Matt D 8:35 (95#)
Roni 8:50 (25#)
Jeff 11:06 (135#)
Cindy 10:36 (45#)
Kristin T 8:12 (105#)
Rebecca S 10:18 (75#)
Jim K 6:45 (105#)
Jon K 7:40 (95#)
Jay E 7:08 RX
Tidmore 6:44 (125#)
Heather 9:09 (45#)
Alexis 9:46 (50#)
Nicole S 9:42 (95#)

This one was absolutely harder than it looked....way to fight through, 6am'ers. We got through it together then still had enough in the tank for 5 minutes of "CINDY"....awesome!!!

Aimee Lyons said...

Wow! what a 6 am crew! Great work!

P- the journal article is also linked up in the heading, I'm assuming it's the same one...(without looking)

Nina- Cate and I did this a few days ago, you got us by a second- we tied at 8:50!!! Awesome work girl!

Nina said...

Ha Aimee, that's funny you say that cause Vinny almost wrote 8:50 on the wall and I corrected him cause when I dropped that bar and looked at the clock it was definately 8:49! Nice work to you and Cate as well! Spicey!

Chris P. said...

you're right Donk, I did this one and it beat me up. Those PJ's get heaaaavy

Charles said...

What percentage of your 1RM should you scale this to?

Aimee Lyons said...

Charles- I'd work at about 75% or above of your 1RM. But everyone is slightly different so it's hard to do an exact percentage for all athletes.

I worked at 92% of my 1 RM when I did this...

Nina- I sure hope you finished your burpees after you dropped your bar...LOL :) Looks like we need a 3 way face off on this WOD next time!

Jason Lyons said...

Nice catch Aimee...I was just going to post the same thing.


Nina said...

bahaha I did ..the getting up part I meant, I did my fastest burpees in the last round to get that ish done.. I was chasing your times from last year! Even though last year it looks like it was taken from the rack? Maybe not in all cases?

Charles said...

Yeah, it was taken from the wrack last year, at least in my case. And I think that it was in the freddy video too.

Drew said...

But the cleans make it more fun...

Jason Lyons said...

from the floor is better because you are less tempted to put it down. however, in the initial workout, i am pretty sure it was off of a rack

Denise said...

Danny - can we synchronize our burpees again?

Danny said...

Denise- Of course, did you even have to ask?

Anonymous said...

looks like last year the womans weight was 120 and 125 this year?

I remember this workout (we did take it from the rack)- I had to scale down to 95 after the first few reps.

Cate said...

12:00 results:

Andrea 12:22 (35)
Anja 9:16 (35)
Keith DNF
Kevin B 11:54 (165/155)
Susan 8:35 (85/75)

The nooners took it from the ground.

Chris P. said...

Hmmm, should be from the rack, but size of class will determine that one

Aimee Lyons said...

Yes. Sb from the rack.... But the floor gives extra work on the clean. Quick note to everyone the new yokes are also racks!

Cate said...
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Cate said...

whoops, i totally meant the nooners took it from the RACK. like the workout was supposed to be. sorry!

Tim P said...

630 Whoaa

Tony 8:40

Conn 8:39 @ 135
Borden 8:39@123
JNa 8:20 @65
Akeem 8:52 @85
Schell 8:12@135
Charles 11:22 @90
Randy 11:30 @105
Diego 7:37 @95
Alison 8:30 @95
TimM 5:35 @115
Danielle H 7:47 @68
Dawn F 10:08 @63
Faby 6:04 @115
Conner 7:59 @155
Kathryn 9:28 @63
Krista 9:23 @55
Donkey 10:24 @95
Justin 11:35 @145
Nick 12:03 @145
Jess S 11:39 @65

donkey said...

430 & 530: "The Cleans make it funnerer"

Michael from SC: 8:02
Kurt: 8:53
Chris S: 7:54
Danny: 5:13

Rob Ph: 7:49 @ 165
Brian R: 6:40 @135
Breanna: 7:21 @53 Push Press
Gina: 6:48 @53
Dorothy: 10:37 @95
Jackie 5:53@ 55/squats
Matt G: 11:57 @115
Amanda: 6:22 @ 45#
Becca: 8:16 @ 55
Kate K: 6:18 @65
Jen S: 7:49 @105
Shawn: 7:08 @ 135
Lam: 9:54 @115
Josh: 7:58 @135
Joe P: 8:28 @ 105
Steve: 8:59 @65
Patrick: 6:56 @ 135
Lizzie: 7:39 @45
Miranda 9:38 @100
Denise 7:51 @75
Dianne: 9:42 @53
Shoeless: 9:46 @145
Flounder: 10:38 @115
Megs: 6:46 @90
Travis: 8:48 @125
Kate Fin: 9:20 @65