
W.O.D. 1.17.12

"Anybody can do Anything"

Buy In:

"The Baseline" (for time complete)
500M Row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

Squat Clean

As Many Reps as possible in 5 Minutes
Squat Clean (165/110#)

Local Event:
Winter Combine at CrossFit Apex. Feb 18th @ 9AM. Click here for the flyer and click here for the event link.

"The mark of a great coach doesn't come in the minutia of technical knowledge, though that's necessary. It comes when the coach believes in the athlete before the athlete believes in herself. "
-Patrick Cummings -Attitude is Everything

Jason 4:46 (Rx)
JZ 4:29 (Rx) 22 (115#)
P 3:41 (Rx) 25 (Rx)
King 5:27 (mf) 30 (105#)
Arin 5:48 (blue knee) 15 (70#)
Tim M 3:49 (Rx) 21 (Rx)
Keith 4:52 (Rx) 25 (Rx)
Beth 7:30 (Bl) 20 (45#)
Alison 5:08 (Gr) 16 (83#)
Olan 4:02 (Rx) 23 (145#)
Joy 6:29 (Knee mf) 21 (65#)
Sharon 9:19 (rows) 15 (83#)
Andrea 11:49 (knees/jump) 21 (35#)
Ernie 4:00 (Rx) 21 (115#)
Mike C 4:18 (Rx) 31 (Rx)
Chris S 4:48 (Rx)
Justin K 4:28 (Rx) 22 (115#)
Patrick 4:51 (Rx)
Ben 5:28 (DC) 24 (73# ROM)
Dianne 6:51 (Gr Knees) 23 (53#)
Jen Sch 5:32 (Bk Knees) 23 (53#)
Tim H 6:22 (Gr) 22 (95#)
DeeDee 6:01 (DC) 24 (85#)
Linds 5:59 (Gr Knees) 21 (63#)
Kate K 4:54 (Gr Knees) 22 (65#)
Mel 5:38 (Rx)
Shoeless 5:22 (Rx) 14 (Rx)
Ed 4:53 (Rx) 17 (135#)
Sandy 6:18 (Gr Knees) 18 (70#)
Joe 5:48 (Rx) 16 (95#)
Rachel 6:27 (Gr Knees) 15 (75#)
Luke 7:14 (Bk) 21 (75# ROM)
Nicole S 6:52Rx, 15@95
Kristin T 4:56Rx, 16 Rx
Jay E 5:00Rx, 24 Rx
Mike P 4:17Rx(1min PR), 15 Rx
Manny 6:04, 16@65
Drew 7:03, 18@115
Mike S 6:38, 22@65
Becca 5:11, 20@73
Pat P 5:58, 16@115
Paul F 5:48, 20@110
Heather 5:10 (1min PR), 26@53
Susan 5:50 (no pullups), 10 @ 95
Lauren 6:27 (green), 32 @ 32
Tori 8:56
Kara 6:06 (black), 25 @45
Chris T 6:12 (black), 22 @ 53 lbs
Lias 7:59 (black), 21@ 63
Jonathan 5:32 (green), no squats
Kevin B 4:15, no squats
Meg B 5:26 22@73
Rikia 7:15 (jumping) 18 @ 35
Conor "Mr. Tissues"- 5:35 (1/2 band), 28, Rx
Jerry 4:06 (Rx), 32 (115# ROM/form)
Jess C. 5:29 (Rx- PR), 23 (65#)
Faby 4:42 (Rx), 25 (100#)
Danny 4:52 (Rx), 40 (Rx)
Danielle 6:33 (blue band), 22 (63#)
Oleg 4:39 (Rx), 26 (115#)
Erika 5:38 (knees), 19 (83#)
Ditty 7:47 (DC), 17 (85#)
Sam B 3:43 (rx), 20 (115#)
Jason B 3:52 (Rx), 21 (155#)
Nick 5:14 (Rx), 15 (125#)
Akeem 6:07 (black band), 16 (65# form)
Nate 7:07 (black band), 18 (45# bar, form)
Nathan 6:00 (jumping pull-ups, knees), 25 (15#)
Diego 5:25 (Rx), 25 (105#)


Sandra said...


If anybody found a pair of munchkin sized black/yellow/grey vibrams in the box on Monday night, those are mine! I'll pick them up Tuesday night.

Thanks ;]


Olan said...

That's an inspiring video on Crossfits functionality and how lucky most of us are to be able to workout everyday with much less limitations.

I may have shed a tear...but only because her SDLHP form was still better than mine.

donkey said...

Sandra: they're on the bench at the box! I saw them when I closed up tonight.

Anonymous said...

That video is what it's all about. A reminder to us all its not really about times or PRs. It's about life- living a full, vibrant life. looking fear and weaknesses in the face and discovering our possibilities!

Mike S said...

Aimee, thanks to you and your dad for the new clothing hooks and shelves in the men's changing room. They were a big hit with the 6 AM crew this morning.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Miss M and Dan G! I'm super excited for the Baseline tonight...I haven't done this yet (procrastinator that I am)!

Drew said...

Second the thank you for the hooks and shelves! Very appreciated!

Tim P said...

6am Baseliners were certainly far from Flatliners.
Note: This is not a very good oneliner.

Nicole S 6:52Rx, 15@95
Kristin T 4:56Rx, 16 Rx
Jay E 5:00Rx, 24 Rx
Mike P 4:17Rx(1min PR), 15 Rx
Manny 6:04, 16@65
Drew 7:03, 18@115
Mike S 6:38, 22@65
Becca 5:11, 20@73
Pat P 5:58, 16@115
Paul F 5:48, 20@110
Heather 5:10 (1min PR), 26@53

Cate said...

9:30 results:

Susan 5:50 (no pullups), 10 @ 95
Lauren 6:27 (green), 32 @ 32
Tori 8:56
Kara 6:06 (black), 25 @45
Chris T 6:12 (black),
Lias 7:59 (black), 21@ 63
Jonathan 5:32 (green), no squats
Kevin B 4:15, no squats
Meg B 5:26 22@73
Rikia 7:15 (jumping) 18 @ 35

Christ T, can you post to comments what your squats were and how many reps?

Cate said...

Chris T 22 @ 53 lbs

Melanie said...

6:30 class
Baseline time (scale), reps (weight) for cash-out

Conor "Mr. Tissues"- 5:35 (1/2 band), 28, Rx
Jerry 4:06 (Rx), 32 (115# ROM/form)
Jess C. 5:29 (Rx- PR), 23 (65#)
Faby 4:42 (Rx), 25 (100#)
Danny 4:52 (Rx), 40 (Rx)
Danielle 6:33 (blue band), 22 (63#)
Oleg 4:39 (Rx), 26 (115#)
Erika 5:38 (knees), 19 (83#)
Ditty 7:47 (DC), 17 (85#)
Sam B 3:43 (rx), 20 (115#)
Jason B 3:52 (Rx), 21 (155#)
Nick 5:14 (Rx), 15 (125#)
Akeem 6:07 (black band), 16 (65# form)
Nate 7:07 (black band), 18 (45# bar, form)
Nathan 6:00 (jumping pull-ups, knees), 25 (15#)
Diego 5:25 (Rx), 25 (105#)

Good job all-round tonight! Definitely a few new baseline PR's (be sure to write them up on the baseline board). Congrats to Nate on your first official class!!!

donkey said...

Mr. Tissues!

OMFG. I cannot stop laughing at this.

Aimee Lyons said...

that's a great nickname, but why?

Melanie said...

Aimee, you will have to see for yourself the unique method that Conor uses when lifting barbells with sweaty palms. He hasn't become one with the chalk bucket yet.

Chris P. said...

I wanna be Danny strong when I grow up

Danny said...

And I want to be lifting 3 times my body weight Chris P strong.

donkey said...

@Mel & Aimee...on the plus side, he is 100% less likely to kick the chalk bucket over at the box, so there's that.